Please add a couple of options for caster classes to transmog - it’s very annoying being forced to use a staff only (especially for PvP since most need haste/vers which almost only a staff gives…)
Give players an option to transmog staff weapons into one handed swords/maces and daggers. Or even an option to remove the staff, just have bare hands… staff isn’t used for anything except for being on my back 24/7 — it’s not like we AA anything…
Split staff transmog into one handed / off hand. It’s not that hard to make a system for this. You can already transmog a staff into fire mage legion artifact which is a sword and off hand already. Not sure what the big deal is.
Also, very important as well… please give off-hand items enchants/illusion transmog options as well… Having a book that’s on fire would be cool.
It’s very annoying that I can’t actually make a war/battle mage with a sword and off-hand while using staff stats (which are the most important). Give casters more options other than STAFF