More Utility from VDH? Maybe new Sigil Talent?

Would be lovely to see some more utility from VDH cause now we are loosing to other tanks in Utility a lot. Our Darkness is way too much RNG.
If they have designed us as a tank with Sigils maybe it s time to accept that sigils should bring a bit more value for group.

I think Sigils should give buffs to allies that Sigils are hitting. Maybe some kind of Talent in Endtier:
Sigil of Flame - gives +10% Main stat for 10 seconds
Sigil of Silence - gives +10% Haste for 10 seconds
Sigil of Misery - gives +10% Crit for 10 seconds
Kyrian Decree - gives +10% Versatiliy for 10 seconds
Sigil of Chains - gives +10% Mastery for 10 seconds
Buffs can be others - but I think this interaction Sigils - Foes - Allies could be quite interesting.

I think our Imprison should work on Allies as well and should make the target unable to cast but be immun for next incoming damage.

VDH just needs to be more usefull for the group.

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