More warlock pets customization options


I was very excited and returned to the game when I heard of the new warlock pet customization, But it seems there are no new warlock pet customizations coming in the war within

Unlike druids, we don’t really have much going on yet, and the best ones are already easily obtained, but there are more demon unused demon models in the game, such as:

  • void terrors
  • void callers (the voidwalker dudes with a cloak and lanterns found in outland)
  • fel elementals
  • terror guards
  • dark hounds (the demon dogs from Lordaeron),
  • mage hunters (the dogs from the nexus dungeon)

I’m also wondering if we’re going to see new demons or demon models in the worldsoul saga, because it’s about the void and stuff.

In addition, there doesn’t seem to be that one skin that comes from a hard, skill related achievement or something and only the best warlocks could obtain, I wish that was the case.


love see Felguard with 2H + shield that model is in game already

hunters get so many type beast and what we get ?