Most iconic warcraft lore character?

Does wow have a character that most people knows? like most people know about darth vader and yoda from star wars even thought they haven’t watched any of the films?

I was thinking maybe thrall, jaina or arthas?

Arthas and Illidan


Probably Arthas.

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all WC3 heroes really.
but the n1 is Arthas.

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Lifter Matchlock, he who met an ignominious death during a recent invasion.

Illidan … Arthas style is way too common

Illidan, Arthas, Malfurion, Tyrande and Thrall :slight_smile:

Arthas! Illidan too, before they turned him into a joke in Legion.

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And Sylvanas. Hamfisted but IMO the character with a more interesting character arch for a while.

Cant believe nobody has said guldan yet. Come to think of it Hogger.

Pepe most important figure out.

Arthas to those who aren’t aware of WoW lore is what Goku is to anime. Those who don’t immediately know a lot about WoW or anime typically know who the characters are.

First place: Arthas
Second place: Illidan.

Others are niche to everyone outside of WoW.

Sylvanas, Thrall, Garrosh, etc. are already unlikely characters to be known, despite seeing a lot of spotlight.
Garrosh had basically two entire addons dedicated to him, but most people will still have some issues figuring out who that is.

Sylvanas is probably most likely to spark memories, because she’s been there since “the beginning” with the RTS and she’s been more or less relevant in every addon and now she’s the strong female poster-figure, sticking out of the mass as the leader of a horde of weird looking “cows” and orcs.
But, really, I don’t think “outsiders” will be able to remember her name or who she is. Might be “just another elf in a fantasything” for them.

Cairne, Anduin, Varian, Tyrande are completely unknown.

In terms of who’s most iconic, I think I’d have to say Thrall.

What separates Warcraft lore from other fantasy universes is that the Orcs aren’t one-dimensional bad guys. That’s probably the most iconic lore aspect about Warcraft, and Thrall is sort of the embodiment of that.

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nope, i am gracefully ignorant and hope to remain so

Goku is a cultural icon with worldwide appeal. I personally know people myself who are aware of who he is. Arthas is pretty similar in gaming culture.

I personally know people who are unaware about it and its also myself.
Its ok to not know smth you dont care about. Doesnt make me worse person or anime hater.

Gamon or Manrick.

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Fair enough? Just because you don’t know doesn’t mean my point isn’t holding up though. Arthas is a videogame icon outside of WoW, even under the Lich King alias, and so I compared him to Goku as an example of another that has transcended where it came from.

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Murlocs in general are pretty popular. Except for those it’s the Lich King/Arthas, I’d reckon.