Most if not all are waiting very patiently for a official response

Dear Blizzard, please give us SOME indication when the AH is available again. Imagine the overload on it with everyone who has full bags starting to list items?
"soon* or no ETA is not really an answer. We are aware that there might be huge issues that have to be fixed but imagine all the anger festering in your customers :slight_smile:

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Soon is the best youre gonna get. They clearly dont know exactly how long its going to take to fix and last i checked standing behind an engineer asking for feedback every 10 minutes doesnt speed up the process.


I know that “standing behind the engineer wont speed it up” however they have not even gotten back to the playerbase once at least to my knowledge regarding the complete closure of the AH?

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And what do you want them to say outside “we’re still investigating”?
You’re not going to get a technical explanation, insights or live status updates.


There is nothing to fix. They bean counters are simply debating on which solution will inconvenience the goblins the least. They cannot afford to lose even a single one of them, since for every goblin there are at least 2 whales supporting them.


If I know Bliz like I think I know Bliz it’s gonna be -

An official announcement that the AH is closed for repairs would have helped ? Has anyone seen such a post/announcement?

Its been 9 hours of it being closed…6 since I am checking it.No one wants 10 min updates…but at least an estimate on when it will open…

your best bets on getting updates.

Well everyone knows it’s closed and eventually it will be open.