Most Popular Races in World of Warcraft – Based on Character Creation Data

My first character was made about 3 or 4 months before TBC.

It was a night elf hunter called Glorfindel, then i made a Night Elf Warrior.

Then i fell in love with Paladins and Draenei in TBC. Ive loved Draenei ever since and lightforged. I dont play one now but ill never forget the starting draenei area in tbc and the music.

These days i have a soft soft for Earthen and Pandaren.

Pouring one out for my Pandaren bros. You are still the best.

94% of Azeroth disagrees


been saying that for years


everything else should be a customisation option (yes inc. undead and doggies)

25% of the population are human/night elf alone. Lol

The top 10 are 5 horde/5 alliance.

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Remember that both paladin (for a long time) and Demon hunter are/were completely exclusive to blood elf.

It might’ve inflated the number.


“Around elves, watch yourselves!”

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You know I love my dragon! Didnt have much choice but I still wouldnt pick anything else either way! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I picked Vulpera…for reasons™

It’s the other way around. Hunter was (and still is) a very popular fantasy. When WoW was released it was at its peak due to Legolas too, who also happened to be an elf.

Paladin is also another popular fantasy. It’s the Warrior, except infused with the power of Light to be more awesome to appear as charismatic and not as a brute. This combined with the fact that only Blood Elves could be Paladins until Cataclysm horde-side and Blood Elves being the only “beautiful” race back then again for Horde has had the effect of exceptional popularity.

Dark Irons have the eyes that represent their connection to Ragnaros, they live in a volcano, they’re as close to badass as an Alliance race can be, they are shady and don’t mind dabbling into the dark arts, oh and they have FIRE BEARDS!

It has been hard playing on the blue side (I’m Horde and always will be) but I have to put my character race first and DI is the coolest race in the game IMO.

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This data set lacks transparency. In what period of time is this supposedly representative? The site IcyVeins cites hasn’t been around for longer than 2019 afaik.

Data for Azeroth themselves have a disclaimer as well - omitted for whatever reason on IV.

All statistics are computed across the full Data for Azeroth database, which may not be an accurate reflection of the overall WoW population.


Even if it’s not 100% accurate, it’s a bit of fun and a conversation starter where people can chat about their main character race for a while.


I like dark iron paladin ram, but they are too small for me.

Only Blizz would be able to publish 100% accurate data. No one is disputing that.

Generally sites like daya for azeroth or raider io are a pretty good indication of trends, just like they can show which realms have high populations.

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That is the only thing that sometimes gets me. I like everything about them but sometimes I hate the height too; it bothers me occasionally.

I love my Orc warlock too but every time I play him it just feels like I’m ripping off Gul’dan - even though he’s (was) my favourite character in WoW.

I’m not disputing that it’s a fun bit of semi-trivia, but I’d personally have preferred accuracy over “ballpark data”, as it were. IcyVeins choosing to omit the cited site’s disclaimer doesn’t help the overall impression either.

C’est la vie.

As mentioned Blood elf was mandatory if you wanted to play a paladin as horde.
Also the aoe silence that was the racial arcane torrent was also super good back in the day. Now a 2 min single buff purge is practically useless on pvp compare to some other racials.
NE on the other hand has one of the best (if not the best) racial on PvP …Shadowmeld

Blood Elves, master race as usual. :elf: