!Most Wanted!

It was dark and stormy night at the Eastern kindoms, You are finished of celebrating in the Inn with your guild mates a success in a field of battle against most dangerous monsters of Azeroth, you leave the inn for a walk, others went to a sleep already. While you wander trought darkest alleys of the Stormwind among of the lowest morality alliance members: thieves selling their daily catches, golden jewelry, finest of the clothes, food… Warlocks selling potions to make you drugged, love potions… truth serum… bat wings and toad legs… and not to talk about the Night elf females, standing there winking at people and making signs to follow them. You hear a banging around the corner, You get curious and start moving towards it…

The banging seems to get slowly away from you and you have to start walking faster to reach it Bang Bang Bang BangBang Bang Bang Bang suddently someone grabs you from the sleeve: “Eyyy do ya wanna buy a bomba?” a small gnome covered of dirt looks at you and you get distracted of the banging… “GET AWAY LITTLE DIRTY I HAVE OTHER THINGS ON MY MIND THAN BLOWING A BANK” and you pull your hand back, little gnome losing his grib… but the banging is gone… what was it?

As the stormy night is over and turned in to a beautiful morning you wake up from the Inn and you have already starting to forgot the banging and the little gnomes and all the filth you saw that night as they does not seems so special to you and not important… You’re ready to go, its perfect day to gather some resources for your guild chamber… You open the door and leave the inn yelling:“Thanks for a great service, See you later!” now the alleys of Stormwind does not look at all that dark, all the filth of the alliance have gone, Warlocks gone, thieves gone… All that is left is the night elf females but this time they are not winking to others but they are playing with their kids, watering their plants, like all the dirt has been forgotten from the night… but you cannot unnotice that there are small posters all over the alley, one after one after one after one… and we are not talking of normally one poster on the end of road, they are literally everywhere, so that was the banging, someone nailing all these posters but who? and what does they are about?

<Do you read the poster? if yes continue reading, if not you keep walking to gather the resources and collect a huge load of them>

…\ ‘U’/…
PRICE OF THE EAR: 50g 40silver 52 copper.
REASON: Slaughtering people of the Alliance.

Bring his ear as a proof he has been killed to the Knight Nichard and claim your reward.

(The first one proving me he has slain a Payuut and delivered his ear to me claims the reward, contact me with a screenshot of him laying on the ground dead. Here or ingame whisper or mail.)

(As sneaky the Payuut is maybe he survives? just a one ear less.)

(How do Nichard know the ear belongs to a Payuut? He cant get wrong of the smell of payuut.)

(Who is Payuut? He is World of warcraft character and you cant get wrong when you get to close of him, some say he is troll some say he is orc… but that what is sure is that you need to be prepared for ambush)


At the same day you waked up from the Inn the clock is starting to turn to the side of the night. Somewhere close to 10PM You’re back to Inn.

You sit at the table after ordering a fine dwarven brewery, its a fine night everyone happy. You see a dwarven orchestra playing plates with a spoons, one stomping the floor with his feets, one trying to sing but sounds more like yelling, one clapping with the beat, the waitress collecting the beer glasses, gnomes and humans gambling their hard earner gold, Night elves seducing each others, all this happening at the warm glowth of the candles that are rising the atmosphere to the top, everyone seems to be enjoying the moment.

Your eyes start wandering trought the inn and your attention gets caught on the corner table where the candle light does not reach… two mans, one much taller with pointy ears and one much more humanlike, they sure caught your attention like flower to the bee… there is something wierd of them, they are not happy nor a mood for dancing… they talk quietly and you hear a words:“Blood thirsty tribe”, “They cant keep goin on like this”, “Its not safe for anybody anymore”, “You really survived that?”… “Golden… Zanza…”

Do you stand up and come to talk with them?

*On a gloomy morning above the streets of Stormwind, one may spot a tall shadow leaning against the battlements… tall ears and a dark cowell obscured by a golden and seemingly alien smelling smoke. *

As one pays closer attention, a bright ember can be observed driving light to a pair of short tusks and a pair of red but seemingly friendly eyes… the eyes turn to you and you feel a warm but foreign presance surrounding you, almost enveloping you with a sense of truth and dedication… The eyes close and the shadow vanishes, only a fragrant smell of herbal smoke remaining…

The towns bells begin to ring, and an earpiercing beserkers shout is heard echoing across the empty streets…

grins wickedly
~ Now we’re talkin!

Payuuts appereance on the Morning.

… That… That voice… Those eyes… he is here! i must warn Nichard! HE KNOWS! Nikster starts running headlessly every direction asking from people have they seen Nichard

“Nichard Nichard he must be somewhere here!” - Nikster repeats worried.

~+As the morning turns to the day and after a night, our brave little man keeps running +~
------------------------------- ~+Trought dangerous alleys of Stormwind+~-----------------------------------

Suddently a familiar parfyme hits his nostrlis, Its mixature of peacebloom and artha’s tears, The parfume so seducing.

“Hey Nikster! Want to come with me?” It is Secilya, The finest among Night elf females.
“Not now Seccie! Im busy!” Nikster dodges the seducion with a determination. this time.

So Nikster keeps running and trying to find Nichard in the dark alleys of Stormwind

“Hey! You! Little man! Come talk to me i got what ya need!” Nikster hears to be yelled to him.

It is a Warlock, Human warlock sitting at his Market cart, Small heads hanging on the hooks top of the cart, Frogs on a jars, Whelpling tails, Bat wings… And a small cauldron where are somekind of mixtature… it smells like somewhat familiar… Peaceblooms and arthas tears?

“What’s up you know where Nichard at? Ima goin to pay you 5 silver for that information!” Says Nikster bravely

“No, i dont know but i can look trought glass ball and locate him for you.” Offers a Warlock

“Lets do it!” Nikster gets excited that his long looking is about to end.

“Its not working.” Answers the Warlock straight away and continues
“But if you want to make some easy money, more than that pathetic 5silver, sell me your toes, any amount you has… you know they are made for the perfume horde females use to seduce their chosen ones and elixir that males drink before…Umm… Goin to a dungeon… to… Umm… last longer? they want it so badly that they pay great amounts of it!” Warlock offers.

“I keep my toes, i need them for running! Stop wasting my time i gotta go!” Nikster gets angry

“Fine, but i am here if you chance your mind.” Warlock sighs but the Nikster has already started running to find his friend.

And so Nikster kept running and collided a gnome, a dirty gnome knocking them both on the ground sitting on their butt


“Have you seen Nichard??” Asks Nikster still confused of the collision while unknown gnome is checking carefully is his only toe still allright and in a quality of selling if needed.

“Be glad my toe iss okay! Otherwise i’d rob ya!” Unknown Gnome says and continues
“Yes, yess… i’ve seen Nichard and i know where he is staying for his trip in stormwind. Pay me 52 silver and i’ll tell you where he is” - Says a Gnome covered of dirt still measuring his toe as if it lost some size during collision.

“52 SILVER??” - Nikster jumps up and the dirty gnome follows him, stands up and shakes his clothes from the dust and dirt for the first time of the year.

“Yes, yes… its a ffine price for a ffine piece of information that you seems to lack of” - Unknown Gnome.

“Fine here, take it” Nikster says and hands 52 silver to a dirt covered gnome.

“He is sstaying at the Pig and Whistle, i fffollowed him just last night and saw him coming theve” - Unknown gnome.

“Why would you follow… Never mind i gotta go fast!” - Nikster.

As Nikster sprints to the Pig and Whistle Inn the dirt covered gnome smiles happily but teethless because of his easy made money and he opens his hand to take a look of his brand new shiny coins then he notices that the Gnome he didnt know gave him a punch of rocks instead of coins and he was too excited of upcoming riches to check what Nikster handed to him.

And so Nikster started running as fast as he can, this time with a goal.

Niksters Worry and the Man in the dark.

As Dinhu and Nichard is sitting at the table of a Inn someone approaches them , He is a man, Human man, He is almost invisible in the bar as the black tabard covers him in the shadows, with steady and silent steps he comes next to the table where Dinhu and Nichard sits and stops right in front of Dinhu and Nichard… He looks Dinhu… Then Nichard… “Now we’re talkin!” He says with strong-minded voice and grins wickedly, The confusion can be noticed from the faces of the Dinhu and Nichard.

“Excuse me?”- Nichard asks.
“Now we’re talkin!’”- He repeats and grins even wickedly.
He must know what’s up to Dinhu thinks but keeps quiet.
“Did you hear our convers…” Nichard says but is interrupted as…

…Inn’s door is bashed open SLAM and the cold night wind blows closest candles off! Its a Gnome and he clearly is worried of something, the worry can be seen of his big face compared to a body that is shaking of adrenaline.

“It’s Nikster.” Says Dinhu.
“HE KNOWS HE KNOWS” yells Nikster and runs to Dinhu, Nichard and Stranger.
Nichard shakes his head as he knows straight away who are Nikster talking of
Black tabarded man grins even more wickedly than ever before.
“Sit down, Tell us what happened.” Questions Dinhu.

Nikster takes a seat and sits with Dinhu, Nichard and Stranger. He takes a look of the man with a grin on his face, the grin that makes Nikster get the chills, He is not coward but he has never seen the grin like that, its like… its like… the grin you have to earn to wear it, not typical grin when winning in gambling, this grin has something more, something behind it.

“Calm down, you are safe with us, Now tell us what happened”- Repeats Dinhu

“There he, i saw him, saw his red eyes looking straight to me, covered in smoke holding the Most wanted poster with his clenched wrist but i saw something more trought the smoke! it was something shiny, something shiny pierced on his ear, As the morning sun hitted the golden thing it shined straight to my eyes and i had to blink and in same second the creature was gone, only the smoke was left slowly evoporating to the air. I was so sure about i was goin mad but then i heard it, the most fiercy shout i’ve heard it was filled with the cry of help from the innocent alliances, it was filled with fierce! Some citizens got scared and got hitted to their knees holding their ears as fiercy the shout was! Only meeting this creature got me frozen of fear!! Someone making that kind of sounds cannot be stopped easily Nichard! Quit the mission as still you can, Please be wise!!”

“Golden thing on his ear? Smoke… red eyes… What do you think Dinhu is it him?” - Nichard.

Stranger grins wickedly.

“Yes, he certainly was the Payuut.” - Dinhu.

“And he is in the Stormwind!” - Nikster yells worried.

  1. Information and wierd smell.

As the night have passed and it is a brand new day. Nichard is looking for people brave enough for the task, takes deep breath and yells all out of his lungs:“PEOPLE OF THE ALLIANCE! HEAR ME OUT! WE HAVE BEEN ASSAULTED BY DANGEROUS PREDATOR THAT IS CALLED PAYUUT A TROLL ASSASIN! HE HAS BEEN FEASTING OUR PEOPLES BLOOD FOR TOO LONG! BRING ME HIS EAR AS A PROOF HE HAS BEEN SLAIN AND GAIN REWARD OF 50GOLD 40SILVER AND 52 COPPER!”

Someone approached Nichard as he was standing on position and small spark of hope sparks on the eyes of Nichard, it was a Night elf priest, he whispered to Nichard quietly and very carefully that if he comes behind the corner he will give some information of the Payuut’s location. It didnt take long as Nichard as brave as he is he went with out a doubt to the hide-out with the Night Elf… “He seems to enjoy to be close of the sea, Where sea water is colored like the most beautifullest jade, Rum is at its finest, Where pirates and seamen comes to tell their wildest stories in a guard of the biggest goblin ever seen.” Starts Night Elf.

“Booty bay.” Nichard invents.

“But please do not assault him, he is not a beast and it is not smart to disturb his peace nor his task. There are no man in the lines of Alliance that can beat him.” Night elf says.


“Quieter you fool! You think this is a joke to you? Its dangerous for you even mention anything related to him, as he or his allies can be anywhere.” Says Night elf.

At that time they hear a crack and everything suddently becomes quieter and somehow calmer, feels like time has slowed and wierd smell surrounds Nichard, You cant describe the smell, it smells very… herbish.

Nichard gets scared and his hand is ready to wield his axe. but nothing shows up, just the smell that cannot be unforgotten… “Was he there?” Asks Nichard… “What? Now?? Havnt you ever even seen him?” Questions Night elf like nothing have happened, “No…” says Nichard, “Alright, Dont get fooled and let the paranoia control over you, keep your head down and eyes up” - Night elf.

I gotta go meet Dinhu, Nichard thinks, Thanks the Night elf and starts moving to the Inn they are staying during their visit on the Stormwind, Waiting calm headed Nichard orders a beer from the Barmaid: “One Dwarven Stout.” - Nichard, “Alright that costs da zanza be rizin’ mon.” - Answers the Barmaid, “Excuse me?” Asks Nichard confused, “96 Copper, Are you sure you can handle it you look like a ghost, pale white.” - Questions Barmaid, “Just give me that beer i am paying for!” Nichard yells and throws the coins on the desk while he seems very confused and maybe a little bit scared… “Alright alright, no need to get angry!” Barmaid says and sighs quiet: “psh…where are the politiness nowadays.”

*Nichard sits on the corner table and waits Dinhu, Hour after hour Dinhu didnt seems to be showing up, but someone comes to talk with Nichard, He is doubtly the most unpleasant view of sight, he smells like rotten fish, His hair is a mess and teeths are in bad contition and also his size is twice a big man and he has still sauce on his lips and shirt covered of the sauce his talking is filled with belching

“Hi! You are Nichard! Burp You are paying greatly for the ear of Payuut! I will get the ear for Burp you!” The man says.

“Alright, if you get me the ear…i am a…” Mans head starts to take a form of a troll with glowing red eyes and skin made of gold with purple teeths “…Troll?” Nichard says in a full of confusion

The Trolls says to Nichard:“Come ‘ere mon, Come’ Loa hear yo callin’.” Nichard gets scared and pushes the man away and the man hits the ground yelling from the ground: “YOU MADMAN GET AWAY OF ME!” and he stands up with a much effort and runs away in fear of getting beaten by Nichard.

“What went to me?” Says Nichard in loud even didnt ment to say it in voice and all in the Inn are staring at Nichard… “I need sleep. now.” Nichard thinks this time inside his head and not throwing it on the air.

As Nichard wents to sleep he sees wierdest dream of all, it contains
horizontal line with a totem pattern between his sight , upside there are sun and on the downside there is another sun, Trolls dancing on the both sides and the whole sight are spinning slowly, Then one of them notices Nichard and walks closer staring at Nichard leaving the others on the background and stopping the spinning motion and he says:
“Welcom’ to da voodoo’ mon, Me be seekin’ ya, Me be ‘ere now, Whacha goin’ ta do, mon? Dis be da voodoo of da Zul ya be in da.” And the troll starts laughing pointing at Nichard and all of the others trolls follows him and starts laughing and pointing at Nichard while the suns starts spinning rapidly making some kind of golden halo at the background of the trolls and totem patterned line.

Nichard wakes up cowered in sweat and shaking of fear and confusion… What was that… Whats happening to me?

Wolves and the Moon

Its normal morning to some of us, Nikster wakes up and streches, opens his backbag and takes a bread and a loaf of cheese, as he is enjoying the taste of the meal and he looks trought window and thinks himself:“What a beautiful morning, Im about to take a walk.” As he opens his door and climbs down to the stairs (This can be quite tricky for a gnome) Greets Barmaid and local standard customers of the bar the Barmaid says to Nikster:“I think its better to you to go check your friend Nichard, He was messed up last night.”

The cold chills goes trought Nikster’s body as he knows something aint right as Nichard doesnt drink to get hammered.

Nikster climbs the starways, runs the hallway to the Nichards door and knocks it, No answer. Nikster then chooses to open the door even Nichard does not like suddent visitors and then it hits him, the sight of Nichard covered of sheets shaking and mumbling:“Trolls Trolls Trolls Trolls”…

“What is this?” Nikster yells in wonder!
“What trolls? whats happened to you? is this the deathroll hangover they are talking of when people lost all their money on gambling when drunk and wakes up next day in reality?” This ment to be kind of joke from Nikster but he does not get answer…

“Trolls Trolls Trolls” Nichard repeats and Suddently jump from the bed and starts hitting the air everywhere:“TROLLS! SO MANY TROLLS!” He yells and Nikster slams the door and knows that only Dinhu can help, But where is he?

“I need to find Dinhu.” Is the first and only tought Nikster now has, He runs to the bar and yells:“ANYONE SEEN DINHU?” and the barmaid answers:"Yes he said he is goin to pick some herbs and later on visit on the flower store.

Nikster thanks and starts running out from the bar, kicking the outdoor open and runs trought old town heading to flower store in Trade district

He sees Seciliya and greets him nicely:“Good morning Secilya! Kids seems growing fast but now i am in hurry and have no time to talk!”… Secilya watches the gnome running and thinks by herself:“This gnome is fast for his size.”

As Nikster kept running he collides something stone hard

“GONDYR!” He yells “Have you seen Dinhu?” he asks, Gondyr looks at Nikster and says with his deep voice:“Well atleast he is not at the Stockades, There are riot there… again”… Gondyr is known Guard keeping Stormwind prison in order. “Alright! I gotta head to flower store!” - Nikster yells and starts running again… “What a fast gnome he is, he would be good guard in stockades to catch runaways, only if he werent so small”- Gondyr thinks.

Nikster runs and gets to the flower store

“Greetings!” Greets Felicia, the owner of the store, The store is such a beautiful, All kind of flowers growing in a vase and a vines growing on the batten shalls keeping the roof firm and not even talking of Felicia the crown of the store so beautiful she is as the queen of the flowers, a rose.

“Have you seen Dinhu?” - Nikster questions.

“Yes, he just came here to show the herbs and flowers he gathered from the Northshire, He said he is meeting his friend Tomoyo in the Lion’s Pride Inn” Felicia giggles

“Alright i gotta go!” Nikster gives a farewell.

As Nikster runs to the Lion’s pride inn he sees all kind of rabbits jumping and birds flying on the sky, wild life, awsome.

But as Nikster is close to the Inn there is a hungry wild wolf seeking a prey, It starts growling at Nikster… “Oh not now” - Nikster toughs and starts casting a polymorph to a wolf, RESIST! ,The Wolf seems to be very angry for Niksters attempt to guard himself and Nikster does what he knows best, Starts running even faster.

As Nikster enters the Inn he sees Dinhu and Tomoyo in the Inn comparing their rarest herbs.

“Well i got the plaguebloom!” - Dinhu says proudly, “They can be gathered only from the most dangerous areas!”

“Well well, Look at this!” Tomoyo says proudly and opens his collection book from the middle and there it is, The rarest of them all… a black lotus!

“This can’t be… How did you get THAT!?” Dinhu asks jealously.

“SHUT UP YOU TWO SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH NICHARD!”- Nikster cuts the conversation between two druids.

“Nichard? Whats wrong with him?” - Asks Dinhu and the consern shows on his face.
“Havnt he shined his armor today? Hahaha!” - Tomoyo bursts in laughter!
“He is not himself! Come Dinhu! Come fast!” - Nikster tolds to Dinhu.

As Nikster and Dinhu heads to the Inn and opens the door of Nichard there he is calm again covered himself with sheets only repeating:“Trolls Trolls Trolls”, Dinhu looks at him and knows straight away whats up, Hes been hexed, poisoned trought Mojo, The ancient mixtature of troll shamans.

“Its Mojo Madness.” Dinhu tells to Nikster.

“How do you know?” Nikster questions with his eyes wide open.

“Well, i’ve not been talking much of this, but as you know i’ve met Payuut and his tribe, It was when i was collecting herbs in the swamp of sorrows…”

Curiosity hits Nikster
“Tell me more!”- Nikster demands.

“… I had enough of Blindweed and choosed to go to Blasted lands to seek more herbs that i didnt yet know, even i knew its highly dangerous area…” - Dinhu.

“Yes? Yes?” - Nikster.

“…Then i met them, straight away i entered to the blasted lands there they were, dancing and yelling… three of them… a tauren, hunter and a rogue… as i was curious as you are now i choosed to hide and look what they were doing… as i found perfect spot to spy on them i noticed one was missing and straight like lightning from the sky, i was knocked out…” - Dinhu talks with a quiet voice, maybe with a bit of sence of fear still haunting him.

Dinhu takes deep breath and continues.

“So as i waked up, the first i saw was all three of them watching at me, i was trapped in a trap… i couldnt move… They started dancing and cheering and yelling at me and i was covered in fear… i tought this is how it ends… but after one of them opened the trap two of them stepped back and one of them started pondering my actions, He looked confused at me what druid is doing here, i think, in a dry rough lands no alive trees or herbs around and as i tried to figure out are they aggresive or not i stepped one step back and then the one of them, the one with two daggers stepped sametime towards me… i knew i coudnt get out and making peace was my only choice, i gave them a deep respectful bow and it didnt help me out at all… the troll looked even more confused… this time even a bit angry, maybe bowing isnt the way trolls shows respect but maybe disrespect, who knows… i stepped back and the troll stepped again towards me poundering my actions, Then i was sure that he was their leader and i was on their territory… without invitation. i had to figure something out to get away out of there and figure out it fast, i pointed to the right and they watched there. in a second i formed myself as a cheetah and ran away, but i didnt get far as there were straight away an arrow flying to me that stopped my run hitting me to the leg… After that there were a fast and furious strike from the assasin but gladly it werent fast enough and i had that small second to realise that it would kill me if i didnt do something as it was aimed to pierce my hearth and i came up with a survive plan.”

“So what did you do?” - Nikster asked.

“I deformed, as it was only choice to grow in size and make the hit miss my hearth as cheetahs are smaller than Night elves and that way moving my hearth upper…”

“Did it work?” Question Nikster filled with curiousity

“Well what does it look like to you? Dinhu give a small laugh Yes… He missed the strike but i was seriously injured, last i felt was the dancing steps on the ground and i passed away.”

“How did you get away from the blasted lands and why didnt they take you with them?” - Question Nikster.

“Nobody but them knows, as i waked up i felt very dizzy of losing so much blood but gladly i had some Minor Health potions to revive and increase my blood producion and dreamfoil to cover up the injury to it heal and that way scab fast”

“But what about the Mojo madness?” - Nikster

“Well… my bet is that either the arrow or the dagger those that hitted me were poisoned and the poison went to my veins.” - Dinhu says same time looking his friend Nichard shaking on the bed.

“What happened then?” Questions Nikster.

“Then i crawled to the swamp of sorrows as it is much safer there and while after i started seeing hallucinations, Trolls banging gongs, Trolls dancing, The same Troll that tried to kill me before and talking something of voodoo and that kind of stuff, i should have written them up as they would have been great knowledge of their species… But as i was hallucinating i saw the trolls changing colors, growing and getting smaller in size… i had a blast in the swamp of sorrows, Not really. Dinhu laughs a bit to cheer the mood a bit, Really i was covered of fear and i was running around it like a madman fightning against trees that seemed to be trolls to me… But then i saw it, It werent troll but something bigger even bigger than Tauren… it was hard to know what it was but he was toned as a moon and stars flying out of his body, he gave me something to drink and while i drink the potion, the moon in the sky beamed its solars to the glass bottle and the lights were bouncing inside of it and entering out of the bottle mouth with the liquid to my mouth, even this might have been hallucination it worked and slowly the trolls started vanishing away yelling angrily at me. I looked the savior of mine and i only saw a tiny bit of him, a horns. After a hard study i’ve come to conclusion i met a real Moonkin Tauren druid that formed as a Moonkin to call the Moons power to aid me at that hard time saving me from total Mojo madness, And as we know only great knowledge can do that, its easy to control over trees, plants, water, wind but Moon. It is only capable of some of the greatest.” - Dinhu.

“We need that potion NOW! Where do we find this kind of druids? Are you one?” - Nikster asks

“No, not even close of being one. They are rare, and i have heard only one druid that has mastered the power of the moon and he is not alliance, he is a horde… a very honored horde indeed.” - Dinhu.

“Horde?? Who is he??” - Asks Nikster.

“The Rushorn, from the great Gosh Ogar Clan, he might be the only one that is capable of helping Nichard.” - Dinhu.

(If Rushorn is willing to help our adventurers out, throw my post with a hearth or let me know it via message/other way hopefully this message gets to him, some help might be needed to get it trought. plz.)
(Also if any names mentioned here wants them to be taken off, let me know… And if Payuut wants this to end, a word and its done.)

The night sky over moonglade settles, Mu’sha gazing over a young Druid…

The bright white light gleams off his druidical raiment, a signature of a well-trained druid. He is performing a ritual over one of the many moonwells. He carefully dips his hand in the magical water contained in the well… but as he takes it out, something deadly is revealed.

Where his hand once was, is now replaced by the feathery claw of a Moonkin. Like a disease, the feathers envelope his entire arm and grow across his chest.

Rushorn struggles, “Ga- HOOT!” he exclaims as the feathers now fully cover his entire body. He takes the form of the blessed creature, the moonkin, howling in the night…

(rushork#7231 on discord, add me and we can organise something :D)

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Yehbomba arrives in Ratchet after a long day of work at the Juju tradehouse in Bootybay

fragrant golden smoke envelops Jazziks balcony as Yehbomba steps onto it, he takes a seat next to Payuut, who is smoking an ornate waterpipe engraved with troll inscriptions and marks. The two exchange a brotherly greeting, and Payuut passes the pipe to Yehbomba while blowing out a few trailing smokerings

Yehbomba brings the mouthpiece to his tusks and starts slowly inhaling from the waterpipe as the smoke audibly passes though the liquid filling the ornate object

Payuut streches his back while bellowing some remaining smoke out and utters

“Was i right, ar was me wrong eh?” Payuut grins

Yehbomba finishes his toke and sets the pipe down on the table besides him while keenly observing the trading ships in the distance and exhaling the pungeant vapour

“Well… Me cant say ya was wrong… But i tink dem are. Ya’s gettin’ branded such a raider as Zul’Jin was…”

Yehbomba sighs and starts taking another breath of smoke from the pipes mouthpice

Payuut spreads his tusks to reveal a grin "Zul’Jin ya sye’ eh? How come dey be wrong? He lets out a hearthy chuckle and leans back, his face turning sirious

“Its quite funny how we just do what any fighter’ of da tribe, ar horde does… But wid a bit of troll flavour, an suddenly we some infamous assasin…”

Payuut sighs and raises an eyebrow, then smiles again and turns to Yehbomba to pat him on the shoulder and grab the pipe for another toke

Payuut smokes the pipe and starts talking while its golden mist exudes from behind his tusks into the still nightsky

“Also interestin’ how half of em be huntin’ us, an da oda half salutin’ da tribal, natural, neutral cause…”

Yehbomba bites off the cork off of a bottle of junglewine and spits it off of the balconies side, then holds the bottle up for a long gulp. He swallows the red liquid after savouring it for a moment and opens his mouth to speak

“Zanza bless ta’ da cause… Only if more of dem would think wid an open mind… To get back ta da information doe’…”

Yehbomba takes another sip and clears his throat

“Apperantly der’s fiddy goldan coins on ya ear! Plus some silver if i be correc’. I be not sure whom da posters an bounty be spread by, but i did ‘ear about a ‘nome inquirin’ about ya in da taverns’… Me not sure if hes a hunter, a contract of ours or just a nosy boyo’.”

Payuut smirks and flips out his Gurubashi ripper, he utters a prayer calmly, and suddenly shanks the table with his dagger, driving its edge through the wood. He takes another puff of the pipe and then rests his right arm on the daggers hilt, poking upwards.

“Leddem come… Be it for talks, war, or both… Plenty of enemies an friends we’ve already forged… It merley be fate, an Zanza’s sheen guidin’ us through it. Aint da first bounty! Payuut smirks Definently won’ be da last… And a good play it was wid’ da last few hunters.”

Yehbomba grins and takes another sip from the wine, then exchanges it with Payuut for the pipe

Yehbomba speaks

“Aye… I guess its just anoda weave of da future… Me do wonder what mission of ours made em so mad though… But we’ll ‘ave to wait an see fa dis one to play out… In da meanwhile though… Ill get word ta’ da temple of mysteries aswell as da Horde of dis threat. If we gonna get anoda’ grand hunt on us, we best prepare da grand hunt on dem.” Yehbomba grins and takes a fat puff from the ornate waterpipe

Payuut smirks at Yehbombas words and nods " Aye… I couldnt agree more, send word ta’ Guruzanza Rakundu, da Golden Spears, an da Echo Cartel. Owh an dont forget da dreamdust paperwork while ya’ be at it eh? Payuut winks towards his friend

Yehbomba grins, and sets aside the pipe while standing up. He gives Payuut a firm trollish handshake and thumps his chest towards him in respect, while Payuut does the same back

Both of the trolls utter. “Zanza bless.” at the same time and nod eahother goodbye

(A bounty means hunters, hunters means danger. And danger means response… Ive had a few hunting parties after me, some faired better then the others, some became friends and other mortal enemies… All i can say is that your future depends on how you interact with us. Be that with pure intention of interaction and peace, or just to save your own skin in the moment. It all depends, itll be fun both ways. Also i have plenty of humies siding with me IC, if you want to see the other sides perspective aswell firsthand, you can always try to seek them out.)

(Good luck, and Zanza Bless! Paya never step away from a challenge!)

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A plan to get to meet Rushorn.

As the bright new day has strarted under the dawn of a sun. Dinhu and Nikter have gathered on the table talking:

“We better start moving to find the Rushorn, Nikster.” - Dinhu

“How and where are we goin to find him?” - Nikster

“Dont worry about that but you should be worried about what happens after we’ve found him… Where you ask? from the Durotar of course, Close of the capital of the Horde, the lair of a Warchief Thrall.” - Dinhu says taking a zip of his morning tea.

“What do you mean about that?? What we are goin to do?” - Questions Nikster worried.

“You’ll see, You’ll see, but as from now we better to get prepaired to our journey to the Durotar. It is a long journey my friend so we better to be well equiped for that.” - Dinhu

“What do we need with us?” - Nikster.

“For surely we need something warm, some food and water… i think thats it” - Dinhu says and takes another zip of his morning tea.

“What is the route you are planning?” - grins Nikster.

“From Stormwind we will use the a Tram to the Ironforge and after leaving the gates of Ironforge we will move by walking trought snowy and cold Dun Morogh by following the road, we will come to the entrance of ancient corridors once made by great Dwarf master builders and we have to go trought of them to enter Loch Modan… And from there we will find a route to the Dun Algaz pass… Then we have reached our first goal and are at the Wetlands where we will just follow the road and once we hit the Menethil harbor we take the ship to the Theramore isle located in the Swamp of sorrows… That is filthy place full of swamps and full of dangers… especially for you. Nikster glumps By then we have finally reached the Barrens, a dry savanna, where we have to be very carefull there as we will be in the Hordes territory that they guard with fierce and it is filled of blood thirsty orcs. Thats why we have to move along the coasts wait at night to sneak trought the city of Rachet and finally after that we see land behind it, thats the Durotar we looking for and from there we will find the Rushorn.” - Dinhu explains.

“Nah not goin to happen, i hate cold, i have a better way, Trust me.” Nikster smiles proudly.

“Whats that?” - Dinhu questions.

“Just follow me!” - Niskter says and laughs after that.

“… Then we just need some food and fresh water… i quess…” - Dinhu sighs.

Happened once behind the walls of Orgimmar.

It was a Friday night in Orgimmar, Hordes enjoying their fiesta.

Orcs walking around ladies under their Armpits and holding a pint of beer on their grab spilling it all over the streets of Orgrimmar, Singing a songs like:“Brave heroes of the Horde, The lair of Onyxia and the most known drinking song: For the Horde” as they singed the song For the Horde it included a chapther where one sings the phrase: “For the Horde” And everyone that is in the mood of the sing joins into it: “For the Horde!” because of that sing the streets were also filled up with the long ever lasting shouts and roars.

And there were the Trolls giving their own kind of spice to the fiesta, especially a smell. They were gamgling, drinking and smoking dem herbs, Mostly in their own good company but time to time someone brave enough joins in to their gamling, this time it was an brave Tauren.
“So’ Mon, ya be on ta mood of losin’? may be de loas on our’ side, leds roll da dice!”
one of the trolls hits a 5 out of a 6
one hits 4 “Ya be cheatin’ mon!”
one hits 1 and keeps quiet.
Troll laugs and says: “Now strangah’ id be yas turn roll’ da dice’”
Stranger looks the trolls and then the dice “I am feeling lucky ya punks” and throws the dice, slowly rolling and clearly goin to hit the 6 but then one of the trolls blows gently making the motion roll even a little bit further hitting the 1.
“Ya lose, pay us.” - The trolls looks at the stranger and are slowly reaching the daggers if the stranger ain’t goin to pay up. As smart as the stranger were and knowing these gambler trolls are not a joke he sighs and hands in the gold he gambled for quietly and backs off from the game.

“Goood, Goood’ mon.” The trolls picks the gold.

So its the time of Taurens, They are dancing and showing their power by picking up people from the neck and moving them away from their way, picking stones high to the air and if you look carefully you can recognize a Rushorn there, showing nature magic to the little calves cheering around him but then there is the strongest of them all physically when walking the stones on the ground jumps up and back and people moves out of his way free willingly without having to get picked up from the neck to make some room to walk to him, he is Garaddon, a High Warlord of the Horde, High Warlord of the High Warlords. He is well known of his accomplishments in the fields of battle, guarding the horde, and keeping their territory on their own name.

“I wonder how many alliances have been slain throught that blade?” - Asks one
“Thousands.” - Answers one.
“Are you joking right? It must be HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS!” - Yells one.
“MILLIONS!” - Yells one looking sure.

Garaddon, isn’t bothered to join in this conversation and walks to sit on his beloved box next to the auction house where the daily trades are being made. There he was, Sitting on his beloved box watching the people of the horde having a fiesta, a small refreshing wind blowing to his face and so he can be sure that he has been successfull with his long task given personally from Thrall to keep all of the citizens of the horde safe, so long task that he has already forgotten when the task was given to him.

Then there are the Undeads, not visible, but if you know where to find them you’ll find thousands of them, they are in the cleft of shadows, swarming there, having a parties where all of them are dancing while one bangs a big gong to make the rhythm and all of them are intoxicated because of drinking all kind of mixtures of so called potions.

then there is one, a young troll hunter running around Orgrimmar yelling drunk of his confidence: “DUEL ME’ ME BE BEATIN’ ANYONAH!” are heard throught yells “For the Horde!”

Trying to look someone to battle against, almost loosing hope, one stands up from the groups of the trolls, Payuut. “Me’ duel ya, Lil’ troll.” And so they agree a duel and moves outside of the Orgrimmar.

“Ay’righd’ lil’ one, Yas be ready?” - Asks Payuut.
“Me be.” - Answers the Troll.

Payuut fades

The young trolls knows the tricks, the opponent must be a rogue, Preparing in a close combat he drops the trap close by and sends a flare to the air trying to discover where the Payuut went, Patting his Cat and whispering to him: “Catch.” So the cat starts roaming around the field trying to hit the smell of Payuut to aim where he went for a hide, as the cat gets the smell and locates it the cat turns around to look straight at the young troll hunter, Out of nowhere Payuut jumps from the behind of the hunter and hits him in the head.

“Ouch!” Yells the hunter in pain “ADDACK!” - he yells to the cat.

As Payuut notices the upcoming threat, he throws two stones tightly bound to each other with a rope, it flies like a boomerang and attaches to the legs of the Cat stopping the cat and making it unable to move.

Then there is a Arrow that is blunt and specially made for dueling, flying fast enough to knock anybody to the ground, Payuut senses this and turns around dodges the arrow and sprints towards the hunter jumping in to the air, vanishing away.

The young hunter is cowered of sweat already very tired and knowing its about to get real now, Then there is a hit to the rib of him, Hunter rotates and kicks with a power and hits Payuut, Kick strong enough to throw Payuut further away and making a hunter able to shoot a Wyvern sting towards him, Too bad it does not hit as his hands are shaking and he is out of breath, Payuut runs fast towards the troll hunter dodging all the arrows young hunter is shooting helplessly and when reaching the young hunter Payuut stops straight in front of the him, twists his nose and hits his head, knocking the hunter to the ground… There the young hunter are, Gotten the beat of his life… The Payuut looks at hunter and gives his hand to help him stand up.

“Dis be da good fight’ mon, Whatcha dem call ya?” - Payuut
“Niinku.” - Young hunter.
“Zanza bless.” Payuut says and whistles his raptor, jumps on the back of it and rides away.

So there is our hunter opening the knots from the feet of his Cat: “Ya did fine’ me friendah, me cat, Noku.” giving a fish for the Noku and the Noku purrs.

  1. Rocks, Seashells and bullets

Salty sea water smells on the air, booze and sweat, Niinku walks in the docks of Booty bay sun slowly setting…

He is not doing anything particular in booty bay, hands in his pockets he is just enjoying the mood and celebrating it by kicking seashells, rocks and anything that comes ahead of him to the sea, even one unfortunate gnome. There it was little angry gnome floating on the sea shaking his fist and yelling to Niinku: “Watch out doughboy where you are walking at! You don’t own the docks! do you hear me!” and so Niinku thinks by himself "Should i go to gamble some… Nah i’ve lost already too many and the seamen are too good at playing cards… “Maybe a booze… Yes, deffinetly a booze, I will go get one” and as Niinku approaches the booze store he sees a boat flipped upside down, there are smell of roses in the air “Yuck dat smell, me hate dat”… he looks the boat and sees there familiar Troll… “PAYUUT” he thoughts filled with admiration “The one that are known Alliance slayer!” but he is with someone, Niinku cant yet recognize what and who is this but by the shape of him it is something small so definitely not a tauren or troll… it cant be male because of the shape of her… as Niinku gets curious he walks closer… closer and the shape stats forming, it is not a orc… it must be undead, but what would Payuut has to do with a Undead female? Maybe buying some poison Niinku thoughts, But now as he is close enough he chooses go to talk with the Payuut… As walking towards Payuut and his guest Niinku freezes because of bewilderment “HUMAN FEMALE?? AND PAYUUT?? TOGETHER UNDER THE SUNSET IN A BOOTYBAY SITTING TOGETHER?” “There must be something wrong! i need to check is Payuut ok” thoughts Niinku and walks to the Payuut and his guest.

“Yo Payuut, Whacha be doin’ mon? Dis be da Allianzah ya be wid!” - Question Niinku

“Yo… Ninke, Ye dis be da Allianzas.” - Says Payuut calmly

“Mon’ Ya been’ smoking da love herb’ mon yo? ya be lured?” - Niinku

“No’ mon, Yas see’ Dem all be no harm, Yas can be da frien’ wid some of dem.” - Payuut tells.

Niinku is full of bewilderment and confusion

“Ya bein’ too soft Payuut, Nevah trust da Allianzah rat… Me be goin’ to get da booze’ now’ See yo Payuut… ‘nd his guestah… stay out of da trouble’ mon.” - Niinku says and shakes his head as furious he is but knows that if there are a guest with Payuut and if someone lays even a finger on to him bad deeds on his mind he has to pay that with his life and so he has to devour his hate towards Alliance.

“See’ ya, mon, Zanza bless” - Payuut says and looks fast to Niinku and then back to his quest.

So the Niinku steps inside the Booze store and orders a fine bottle of rum, sits at the table and drinks it… looks throught the window and sees a gnome mage… then a dwarf hunter… “Damn those alliances, lures Payuut like that…” he thinks…

As he’s drinking and watching outside of the window he sees again the dwarf hunter, he looks like he is watching something very carefully from behind the boxes… then he takes his gun and starts aiming “Payuut!” - Niinku guesses, and guesses right" He jumps up and runs outside of the store and sees a dwarf hunter aiming the gun straight at the Payuut that is now sitting alone in the dock as the guest has already left. Niinku grabs his bow and his arrow and aims a shoot, BAM the gun of a dwarf fires and the same time Niinku fires his arrow straight to the flying bullet invalidating the shot, Then there is a Frost bolt straight to the Payuut, It hits and that clearly hurts, Niinku sees Payuut struggling. “Something has to be done, Niinku thoughts and tries to buy some time Payuut to get away” He gets the attention of the alliances on him, Payuut leaps to the sea and yells to Niinku:“JUMP!” and so does Niinku follow the order and jumps to the sea, not with such a style that Payuut did but with arms flapping and legs running SPLASH and Niinku is on the water.

“Hold dis’” says Payuut and gives a thread end to Niinku while holding the other end, throws a smoke bomb in the air to cover their escape and says to Niinku:" Take da deep’ breat’ we be divin’ now." and so they dived both holding the thread end making Niinku able to follow Payuut underwater, they ends up under the docks of the booty bay hearing only yelling of alliance that can be translated roughtly:“WHERE DID THEY WENT??? HAS ANYONE SEEN THEM??” and the running steps upwards of them…

“Me be sayin’ to da ya dat be oud of da trouble ‘nd next me see yas, ya be gettin’ assasinatah.” - Niinku says flavorless

Payuut grins and says: “Keep care ya’ mon.” and dives away.

As strong we stand, like our walls
we will never fall, we have the Thrall!
Bottles up and join our song
Song that goes
Brothers and Sisters gather all
if you listen you hear our call
Victory will be ours and the Thralls!
Fill the cup and enjoy the mood
For the song that is so good!

-Loud laughter-


Trip to the unknown.

As there was a new morning on the stormwind this time our three adventurers didn’t wake up from each one from their own room but than all of them waken up from room of Nichard, Dinhu and Nikster sleeping on their own sleeping bags.

First wakes up Nikster
“Ah! Its a Morning! my favorite part of the day!” - Nikster.

Dinhu wakes up, stretches, stands up and calmly goes to watering the plants looking at his friend Nichard worried.
“I wonder how long time we have before hes gone in to full Mojo madness…” - He says.

“Enough.” Answers Nikster conforting his worried friend.

“Trolls Trolls Trolls” - Nichard.

“Do you know what day it is Nikster?” - Questions Dinhu after zipping his morning tea.

“No, Dinhu, i dont know!” - Nikster says.

“It’s the day, we must prepare to get to the Durotar and find Rushorn.” - Dinhu.

“Trolls Trolls Trolls” - Nichard repeats.

“Alright! Let me just tie Nichard up and order him some feeding and water!” - Nikster.

“You’re a great friend, always caring of.” - Dinhu

As our brave heroes farewells Nichard, Barmaid, Locals. They steps out from the Pig and Whistle Inn

At the gates of Stormwind Dinhu asks from the Nikster:“Are you sure, you want to lead us? not saying i doubt you but…”. “Yes, yes just follow me.” Answers the Nikster to Dinhu, and so them started moving towards the Goldshire.

Upon reacing the Goldshire, Where the brave heroes of the Alliance usually gather to drink and tell their stories of theirs, they buy their needs: some bread loafs, cheese and salad for Dinhu of course.

From there they moves to the Darkshire, The once beautiful city now plagued by the curse of the Worgens caused because one men, One men too greedy to steal something from the creatures of the dark.

“Its very dark here, and cold.” Says Nikster.

“Yes, this place is full of dangers, lets not light the torch” - Dinhu.

Creeping Howl is heard and suddently there are it.
A worgen walking across the road

“Do not wake up his curiousity Nikster” - Says Dinhu quietly.

“Pshh why i would wake his curiousity up!?” - Nikster says somewhat loudly.

The worgen looks straight at to them.

“Now you did it Nikster, Now you did it and now you run, i will catch you just run to the safe!” - Dinhu

And so did the Nikster run, looks back to Dinhu and sees Dinhu turning in to a Bear and jumping on the troath of Worgen, Worgen howling and scratching Dinhu with all of his power. Nikster runs to the brige that is between Zul’Gurub and Duskwood and hides behind a tree close by it and after a sometime Nikster feels a tap on his shoulder, its Dinhu clearly after a battle, some bruises and clothes teared apart. Dinhu looks at the Nikster and says: “Well, seems like you’ve picked the most dangerous way of course, and now it gets only more dangerous as we have to get trought the Zul’Gurub jungle to the Booty bay.”

“Eh… Ye!”- Agrees Nikster.

As they crossed the bridge and moved to the entrance of Zul’Gurub an arrow flew close by their heads, only hearing the air flowing on their ears.

“This arrow belongs to the Headhunters that has been made a oath to guard the Hordes in there Zul’Gurub with all their life so gaining Thralls Blessing to enter back again at Orgrimmar to make trades and so not being isolated from the horde.” - Dinhu.

“How do you know?” - Nikster questions.

“Because as you can see there are the a small carvings tied to it and if you look close at them you can see what it is about. each representing something, this time clearly who is the shooter and another one being a Tribe sigil of the headhunters.” - Dinhu

The Two carvings, One in shape of a small head of a troll tied of the body of arrow itself and second one is in a coin shape with a hole carved on to it and it is hung from the arrow with a knot and as small details inside of it are carved somewhat beetle like sigil and a dot

“Alright, thats obvious.” - Says Nikster

“This must has been a warning shot that if we move even further they are after us as it didnt hit, these headhunters are known of their aim… as you can see from the skeletons laying on the ground a little further up from here.” - Dinhu

Nikster looks little further and sees human, gnome, dwarf and night elf bones all over the road and the place looking like Kodo graveyard. Then Nikster looks at the feets of him and there are a skull next to him, He chooses to kick it because it irritates him and straight away there are new arrow flying straight to the head piercing it. Nikster takes step back and stumbles in to a skeleton bones, looks at the skeleton and notices it is a gnome and there are something wierd of it, there are no toe bones on it, Nikster turns blue and says shaking of fear

“… I-i’ve used t-this way thousand of times b-but always have used the short cut… and so havnt m-met any of these d-d-dangers…” - Nikster

“Now you saying… Dinhu sighs wheres the short cut at?” - Asks Dinhu.

“T-there are this small camp closeby, w-we have to go there and climb up the hills and then head t-to south, from there we will swim tr-trought the stream Nikster collects himself and continues… and then there are another camp, known of the collectors of raptors teeths and tiger hides, from there we will head south till i say.” - Answers Nikster.

“Im starting to get worried of your so called plan.” - Dinhu says.

So our adventures slept at the camp and at the next morning climbed to the hill, swam trought the stream filled with crocodiles, saw the camp of known tiger hide traders and raptor teeth collectors and headed in to the jungle.

Itself the jungle we’re beautiful, filled with old carvings and once was temples, now the arrow of time has hitted to them and they have been starting to slowly crush. All kind of wierd vines entagled everywhere, beautiful flowers blooming from them and as Nikster was looking the beatiful flower an fly flew on to it and GULP! the flower reveals its true form as an trap and swallows the fly instantly. “What a wonderfull world.”- Nikster says while watching the flies after one after one fell to the same trap of these flowers while all this accompanied with frogs croaking and the gulps from these flowers and in the Zul’Gurub jungle there are also spiders weaving their webs on the vines of the jungle making the trees that has been overcome by the vines look like they are having a coat made of vines and webs and the flowers are adding the details to the coat making it look that some may even call beautifull. There are also small apes playing and jumping from tree to tree seeking fruits to eat and wonderful birds flying on the sky.

“There it is.” - Nikster says to Dinhu points towards and Dinhu looks there and sees barricaded camp where thick smoke are rising to the air.

“That is a Horde camp! Do not say this includes in your plan somehow and do not say we aren’t goin to the Booty bay.” Says Dinhu.

“Ye it sure is and we aren’t goin to the Booty bay! but look, Look there!” - Nikster points to the Zeppelin arriving on there to the highest of the buildings.

“That is what we are goin to use!” - Nikster says excited!

“You are insane! How we are goin to get inside of it with out noticed? Even i could prowl there and inside the Zeppelin, it is highly dangerous and i cannot summon you there! as i am not a Warlock if you haven’t noticed!” - Dinhu says seriously.

“Listen up my friend. They are having a small balcony on the lowest floor at the back of the Zeppelin, you prowl there, and there are a robe bound in the railing by purpose, as you see, the Zeppelins are owned by goblins and they care a lot of the gold more than the fight between Horde and a Alliance, We are not the first and not the last stowaways that they are having.” - Nikster says proudly of his knowledge and secure of his plan succeeding.

“Alright, as you wish, lets wait to the night and lets fulfill our plan…” - Dinhu says insecure

So has the night arrived and Dinhu uses his druidic skills to turn in to panther and prowls in to the shadows and starts sneaking in the camp, There are huge bonfire at the middle of it as the light of the fire is huge danger to Dinhu he tries to avoid the light as it would reveal him to the Hordes, especially those that looks like headhunters from the Zul’Gurub and are gathered close by the bonfire and are deadly dangerous to any alliance. They are known to seek alliances down in the jungle with a fury and without a mercy killing them no matter of the race stealing all they can from the corpses and as Dinhu looks some of them they are comparing their catch from the hunt, some has only couple ten toes from the gnomes and some gold coins some having huge pile of toes and some high quality armors and gold, Understandably they are happy of the armors and gold but weird enough they seems to be most happy of having those toes and they are celebrating all this via singing and drinking also there are one of them that is sitting quietly carving something from the wood looking very focused and same time warming his feets on the bonfires warm glow, then out of nowhere one horde gets the attention of everyone’s as he enters to the camp and all in there goes quiet. He is carrying a huge sag in his pack and other hand flipping a golden coin and also he is wearing a golden crown, a cloak braided of a silver thread, close to ten necklaces on his neck, gold and silver rings on his fingers and top of that his deep blue skin is cowered with a tattooed totemic sigils… “This must be a Shaman” - Dinhu thoughts. Shaman slowly walks closer of the headhunters while everyone is looking carefully his every step, Then the shaman yells something that alliance cannot understand and cheers to the headhunters and all the headhunters joins the cheer, when the Shaman has reached the gathering of the headhunters he empties his sag on the ground, Hundreds of toes spreading to the ground, He takes off the cape, necklaces and rings, but keeps the crown on his head that he seems to be attached to, and toss them on the same pile, Then he sits with the company accompanied with admiration and cheering of others, He takes a bottle of booze from the hand of the smallest of the headhunters and takes a long gulp from the bottle then spitting the booze in to the bonfire making him look like breathing fire and everyone starts clapping and admiring him loudly. Dinhu notices that they seem to be little nervous under all of their cheering and drinking and gets a feeling that they are waiting someone, but as it isn’t important to him, he continues to prowl closer of the Zeppelin tower.

Dinhu checks has the Zeppelin yet arrived and the Hordes waiting it, its not. There are all sort from the ranks of the Horde, Beginner mages carrying their spell books, Young hunters and Warrior’s talking all the dangers they encountered in the Jungle, Druids happily sitting on the dock watching the calm sea, Old scarred veterans of the Horde standing quietly and militarily and one goblin taking the price from them for the upcoming fly to the Durotar.

Dinhu notices the Zeppelin that rides through the skies and arrives to the docks

Goblin yells: “Welcome to Zeppelin to the Durotar! Please all pay up!” and checks some rogues from the pack of the crowd and the rogues seems disappointed and talking each other that sounds like some kind of cursing, All the people enters in to the zeppelin and last but not least our Dinhu prowls inside of it throught the Goblin that winks suddenly “Damn, something flew to my eye, damn these flies and the bugs of the Zul’Gurub!” he yells and so Dinhu is off the hook and keeps prowling in to the lower floor and sees a sign hang in the entrance of the floor written with two text: one contains some nonsense he does not understand: “This must be how horde writes, its so messy and what are those small orc heads” Dinhu laughs inside of his head because of how stupid the heads looks in the text Below are a another text that is more understandable: “Lower roof. Anything you see or anyone you meet there, never have been there.” And a there are a warning sign below of everything.

Dinhu starts to prowl behind to the balcony and sees the rope bound on the rail and are filled with joy that Nikster was right but suddenly someone grabs his fur and says: “Payment please, 1 gold each person.” it is one of the Goblins wearing a hood and a scarf pulled on his face cowering almost completely it…

Dinhu turns in to Night elf form and pays the ride for 1g

“Eh, You partner too. Do you think we didn’t notice the Gnome hiding outside of the Barracks of Grom’gol base camp?”.

“So that is the name of the camp” Dinhu thinks and hands the payment.

“Alright, now you’re free to go!” Says the Goblin and walks to the front of the lower roof walking from the small door that is clearly made only for the size of a goblins… and gnomes of course.
Dinhu walks to the balcony and sees Nikster and waves to him as sign to everything is okay and Nikster thumbs up to Dinhu and Dinhu throws the robe over the railing.
Zeppelin starts its engines and starts moving and Nikster grabs the rope and starts climbing it, Dinhu looks back to the Grom’gol base camp and sees the Headhunters of the Horde now with company, Couple of wealthy looking Warlocks buying the toes, Couple of rogues buying the jewelry from the headhunters that they have gathered during the hunt. The most interesting is the auctioneering of the toes everyone giving a bid for the catch depending of the quality of the toes, how used they are and how fresh, Old toes goin much cheaper than young ones, Warlocks carefully measuring and weighs the toes. Its rare to see that amount of gold swapping owners in such a short time.

Nikster gets to the balcony and looks with Dinhu at the Grom’gol base camp slowly disappearing from sight.

As the sun started shining from the doorway of the Zeppelin to the faces of Dinhu and Nikster sleeping on the floor, so they woke up. It is the arrival day to the Durotar. Nikster jumps up and runs to the Balcony and looks at the sea, takes a deep breath of the sea air and the fresh sea air flows throught his nostrils.

“You can’t really smell a air this fresh anywhere else Dinhu! Come smell it, its so overwhelming” Nikster yells excitedly.

So Dinhu stands up and gets to Nikster.

“That is right, it sure is here somehow so pure, not like in forests where it does feel a bit more heavy like.” - Dinhu agrees same time a huge propeller of Zeppelin spinning in front of them.

A loud yell stops the moment.

“LAND AHOY! BE READY FOR ARRIVING TO THE DOCKS!” - Someone yells that sounds like a Goblin waking up everyone that is sleeping.

“You know Dinhu, i am supriced we managed this flight without any setback, as those goblins are masters of blowing things up, and this Zeppelin isnt exception” - Nikster says.

“Dont jinx it…” Answers Dinhu somewhat jokingly.

And straight after that there is a loud bang and the zeppelin starts to drop with a fast speed towards the sea.


The zeppelin falling and shaking from side to side.

“WEEE HAAAYYYY” - Yells the Goblin.

“These Goblins are nuts!! we have to jump to the sea now before we lose enough height and crush to the land!!” - Dinhu yells.

“Alright! I prefer to get wet than get crushed to the ground!” - Agrees Nikster loudly.

So Dinhu and Nikster jump to the sea, and Dinhu forming on the air to the Seal form and as they hit the surface of the sea Dinhu dives and Nikster sinks very deep on the sea because of the motion gathered from falling, so deep he wont get to the surface from there with out help of a Dinhu. So Dinhu locates our sinking Gnome, dives there and takes Nikster to back of his and then he starts quickly swim to the surface Nikster on his back.

“FRESH AIR! FRESH AIR” - Nikster yells scooping it to his mouth and therefore his lungs sitting at the back of a seal.

Dinhu turns in to Night elf form. and so Nikster drops to the water.

“Alright we’re safe and now we just got to swim to the coast…” - Dinhu.

And the same time they sees the zeppelin flying on the horizon still falling and shaking but it quickly takes a rapid rise, evens out, slows the speed and arrives to the Zeppelin tower with and all the Hordes safely arriving on the docks like nothing have happened.

“Ah well, this was just something casual to happen to them while flying those things…” - Dinhu indicates.

So they swam to the coast and walked to the beach of it.

“Now as we have arrived to the Durotar we can get to meet Rushorn, We just have to wait to the night so we wont be meeting any kind of wild hordes running around and invade in to us.” - Says Dinhu.

“So what is our plan to get to meet Rushorn?” - Asks Nikster.

“Do you see that big Tree over there next of the hills close of the coast? We are hiding close to it and wait to the night after that all you need to focus on is wear this… Dinhu hands a red shirt to Nikster …and run to where i am telling you to.” - Says Dinhu.

Nikster looks worried.

“Why red shirt?” - Questions Nikster.

“It gets the attention of the Taurens when they are angry.” - Says Dinhu.

“Now i am getting worried of your plan.” - Says Nikster but with a voice of a deep trust on Dinhu.

So Dinhu and Nikster hides close of the tree in Durotar and eats some, talks casually, and spies the close running hordes in wonder.

2. Rushorn’s Arrival.

“Now as the Night have settled its time of us to fulfill our plan, Alright stand back” Says Dinhu and starts forming.

Nikster sees Dinhu starting to act like there are something in him and he wants to get rid of it, his finger nails growing and fur coming out of his shoulders, the paws grabs of his still Night elf head and after all this there are a roar, So there are now a bear next to a Nikster breathing deeply that stands on his hind legs and claws of his paws grabs deep on the bark of the tree, and the bear starts shaking it from side to side finally pouring it and only leaving some of the roots still inside on the ground. After that the Bear looks to Nikster and Nikster notices the small details of the bear looks like a DInhu, pointy ears, friendly and undestanding look on his eyes the bear starts forming back again to the shape of a Nigh elf called Dinhu, Nikster takes deep breath and says “Woooooaaahh…”

“Ha! Cool isnt it? Now Nikster lets climb to the hills and wait, Rushorn will be here soon enough” - Dinhu.

So they climbed on the hill behind a rock Dinhu picks up a stick, two stones from the ground and starts hacking the stones to each other.

“What you’re making?” - Asks Nikster.

“An Axe like tool.” - Dinhu answers.

“Now you’re making it like we didn’t need it before!” - Nikster says.

Dinhu gives a small controlled laugh.

When minutes turns in to hours it gets close to midnight. Dinhu looks at the felled tree and gets excited because he notices a yellow bird on it singing, prepares to a fly and flies heading to Orgrimmar.

“Where is that stupid cow?? What is taking him this long?? Are you sure your plan are even working??” - Nikster says frustrated wearing a way too big red t-shirt.

after a brief moment.

“There he is.” - Dinhu whispers and pokes Nikster with a elbow because Nikster already as bored he is has turned his back on the stone and taken a chill position and were watching the stars.

Nikster stands up and sees a huge Tauren walking straight towards the felled tree and feels a little dissapointed as he sees just a normal looking Tauren druid, his steps are tranquil and clearly enjoying the guidance of the great Earth Mother, Mother of us all. as he gets closer and closer of the tree things start to to get interesting, first there are a green glow with star like sparking left of his path making grass and flowers grow from the dry grounds of the Durotar behind him, Then his antlers and eyes starts glowing silver like and lastly when he is just couple steps away from the tree his fur starts to turn slowly in to silverish with small gray spots on it just like craters of the Moon and if you look carefully enough there are a yellow bird on his shoulder. Nikster sighs in awe and then Rushorn stops next to the tree, rises up his hand at the height of his shoulders and one of his fingers in a pointing position then the yellow bird flies to his finger, He whispers something to the bird and the bird takes on his wings and flies in to the night sky, After that Rushorn knees and grabs with both hands on the felled tree and there it is, a small tear flowing from his eye and drops on to the tree trunk.

“Watch now carefully.” - Says Dinhu.

And as the tear drop on the tree trunk meets the twinkling of the stars, from the tear starts growing a sprout and from the root system of a tree there are roots growing rapidly hitting the ground whip like forming there new stem between the tree trunk and the ground. Then the Rushorn stands up and the glowing slowly fades away leaving him looking like normal Tauren he turns around turning his back against the tree looking like he is preparing to move back again in to the Orgrimmar.

“Now Nikster, it is your turn, Take this stone and the Axe i crafted, throw the stone at the Rushorn, swing the axe that he sees it and run, run fast, run to the tree you see over there Dinhu points close of the coast, wait steadily at the tree as Rushorn gets to you be sure dodge his headbutt, be sure you dodge it.” - Dinhu.

So without much agreements Nikster jumps up, throws the stone at the Rushorn and yells: “YOU STUPID COW IT WAS ME THAT CUT THE TREE DOWN! HA HA YOU TREE HUGGER WHAT ARE YOU GOIN TO DOABOUT IT HA HA?!” and the Rushorn turns towards the Nikster and looks at him and treads the ground with his hoofs as preparing to the charge at Nikster.

“RUN!” - Commands Dinhu.

So Nikster starts running towards the tree a huge Tauren chasing him red of anger thinking “I must be mad agreeing to this kind of plan, why Dinhu isnt wearing a red t-shirt and running away of a angry Tauren?” As Nikster gets to the big tree he turns around and sees Huge Tauren going horns first towards him and taking the last push from the ground before the Headbutt. Nikster jumps out of the way and the Tauren notices this, stops the Headbutt and tries to avoid the collision against the tree but too late and he have to grab of the tree to stop the charge and as he has grabbed on the body of a tree he hears suddenly: “Greetings Wise Rushorn, i am Dinhu and i’am in need of your aiding.” [This what is now happening is communicating throught nature, only capable of the druids. The ones that wants to communicate have to be touching the same tree then the tree as a living being filters the thoughts of the ones performing this and sends the translated thoughts to the minds of the ones touching the tree with a voices of nature that only druids can understand and as Dinhu sneaked behind this tree while Nikster were distracting the Tauren and luring him to touch the same tree this kind of magic is possible.]

“Dinhu, Dinhu… Why would you do all of this to get to me?” - Rushorn.

“Wise Rushorn, My friend has been hexed trought Mojo Madness and we are in need of a potion to cure him that can be only done by Moonkin Druids and you’re the only powerful enough i know that has mastered the Moon.”- Dinhu.

“What do i get from that?” - Asks Rushorn.

“What do you need?” - Says Dinhu.

“Well, there indeed are something i’m in need of, There are three ancient artifacts now held by the Shaman living in the Barrens, Get to him and get the Artifacts to me, and i will prepare the potion to you to cure your friend.” - Rushorn.

“Where do i find the Shaman and how do i find you after getting the Artifacts?” - Dinhu.

“Just listen the wind in the barrens and you find him, he knows already you’re coming to visit him with your friend. After you’re finished the task and gained the artifacts, open the box, dont worry you’ll understand later, then meet me at the Moonglade, i know when you’re ready and i will be waiting you there, but now hhh–RUN TO SAFE! Hhhooo…” - Rushorn.

Dinhu wakes up from the trance as Nikster is pulling his sleeve and yells at Dinhu: “I didn’t do anything, I didn’t do anything! Something is happening to Rushorn!” and Dinhu looks behind the tree and then sees the Rushorn, Feathers popping out of his back and his chub turned in to a peak, a sweat drop dripping from the forehead of his and he is shaking of trying to refuse something to happen still holding his hand on the tree, Rushorn looks Dinhu with the side eye, Dinhu knows it is time to run and run fast, all this happening under the beautiful silver moon. Dinhu grabs Nikster and runs as fast he can far away to the safety, from there they look behind of them back to where they left and sees huge flashes, Moonfires sparks and starfalls from the skies to the ground from faraway it looked like a thunderstorm but the storm being on the ground not in the skies, They hear a loud: “HO-HOOT!” from there and sees that from the gates of the Orgrimmar are punch of Hordes running equipped with a Nets and Ropes to where they left and where the Rushorn still is, They are the members of the Gosh Ogar Clan, goin to tie Rushorn up as they knows the power of the Rushorn as a Moonkin, power too big to be entirely controlled.

“Did we mess something up?” - Asks Nikster looking thunderstruck.

“I dont think so… we better prepare a fast camp and get some sleep, we are having a new journey ahead of us again in a upcoming day.” - Dinhu answers looking thunderstruck himself too.

(If i stepped on the toes (hoofs) of your character Rushorn and his lore and this story does not suit in to it, let me know and it will be fixed or in the worst case removed.)

That was great, :smiley: .

Only thing is that Rushorn is very much in control of his form IC, but I hate gnomes so you got that bit right.

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