Mount Hyjal horde camp bug

in Mount Hyjal after killing the first 2 bosses and going to the horde camp the first wave allways bugs sometimes it runs to the alliance camp sometimes it insta despawns and we have to all log out and reset the raid this been a bug since release please fix soon


Never had a bug there so it is not “always”.

happened every week since week one for my guild but guess there is some randomness

That happens if someone reaches the horde camp before you talk to jaina

sounds like someone leaving totems behind and bugging the waves.

that cant be since it happend multiple times i na row we will bug out then all log out reset instance then all take port to horde camp and it will start with everyone and everything at horde camp and still bug out

Happend to use yesterday. It’s annoying as heck and probably cost us time for one try on Illidan.

This is not accurate, or at the very least not the only cause. We’ve had it happen at points where i can guarantee no one could possibly of reached the horde camp.
We also had it happen 1 time after a wipe, so can’t possible be the sole cause

Mine is a reproducable bug tho, was in it in original tbc and is still in, because a small indie company like Blizz doesn’t have the resources to sort it out. To busy turning women into fruit and adding incubi :slight_smile:

Mostly seems to happen if you start the waves when people or totems are outside of the base

Iv had this bug with my Guild during the first week. And iv seen it on the PTR multiple times before.

Same as the Kael bug where he keeps casting Pyros even tho he cant be targeted as he is transitioning into the next phase.

I dont really think that they will ever fix these annoying bugs.

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