Mount macro does not work before I open collection window

I have a macro to summon specific mounts when a modifier is held down or a random favourite if no modifier is held. It works fine, but for some reason I have to open the collection window once per session for the MountJournalSummonRandomFavoriteButton button to work. Any idea how this could be fixed?

/click [nomod,nomounted]MountJournalSummonRandomFavoriteButton
/use [nomounted,mod:shift] Grand Expedition Yak;/use [nomounted,mod:ctrl] Sandstone Drake;
/dismount [mounted]
/run if SecureCmdOptionParse("[nomod,nomounted]") then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(0) end
/use [nomounted,mod:shift] Grand Expedition Yak; [nomounted,mod:ctrl] Sandstone Drake;
/dismount [mounted]

That works perfectly! Thank you so much!

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