Mouse looking problem

Hi all

I searched the forums for similar problems but no one mentioned it so here it goes.
When I hold down the right mouse button to look around nothing happens the cursor stays there on screen…it is only after I move the mouse while holding the button that the cursor disappears and starts moving the camera.Normally the cursor should disappear as soon as I hold down the right mouse button,same thing with the left button.I bought a new mouse and after that I noticed this thing and then somehow It fixed itself(Maybe I changed some setting or something I don’t know) so all was well until the prepatch came and I think all my settings were reset(graphics,advanced graphics) and then the bug came back.It’s so irritating seeing the cursor cause I get the impression that the mouse click didn’t register but then it moves the camera and my senses get confused.

Hi Alysia,

Checking this now it seems to be the same here too. Not sure if the cursor display functionality was changed intentionally though.

It’s worth reporting this as a bug though!

Thanks :slight_smile:

Alright I’ll report it,in the meantime I checked star wars the old republic and it is working fine there.

i have the same problem as many others. Finally do something about it. It’s not up to us at your end