Mouseover macro for riptide not working properly


Im having trouble with riptide mouseover macros, for a very long time, now i want to fix it.
Here are some macro i have been trying :

#showtooltip Remous
/cast [target=mouseover, help, nodead] Remous; Remous

#showtooltip remous
/cast [@mouseover,help][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@player] remous; remous

/cast [@mouseover,help][@player] Remous
#showtooltip Remous

/use [@mouseover,nodead,help][] Remous

EDIT : Those macro don’t work if bound to a mouse button … Any idea to go around that ?


I’d suggest using Clique instead, that allows you to bind it to mouse buttons without problems, and doesn’t take up macro slots either.

Unit frames eat mouse clicks; you need an addon like Clique to circumvent that behavior.

Bind your mouse buttons to regular keys like Numpad1-9 (outside the game).

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