Mouseover/Target=Self Macro

Hi there,

I would like to create a macro that casts on my mouseover target, but - when there is no mouseover - it would not cast anything at all.
However, if I have myself as target (selected, not mouseover), it would cast the spell on myself.

Can you create such a macro?

Thank you for your input.

Kind regards,

Hello there Maizter,

so here are the basics for such a macro.
This is the basic macro to cast a spell (I use ReM as an example here):
/cast Renewing Mist

From what you describe I guess that you want to cast some sort of buff on your mouseover target. To create a basic macro which only casts the spell when you have a friendly mouseover target you have to add this condition to the above macro. This will look like this:
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Renewing Mist

The condition is added within the brackets.

  • mouseover: Execute spell if a mouseover target exists
  • help: The mouseover target must be a friendly target
  • nodead: The mouseover target must be alive

Note: The cast will only be casted now if all conditions are fulfilled.

Now, the last part is tricky because there is a conditional in there which would have to check if your target is yourself. This type of condition, to my knowledge, is not possible / wanted since it automates a part of your gameplay that replaces decision making. Therefore we have three options here for you:

  1. We create another condition which will cast the spell on yourself whenever you don’t have a mouseover target /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@player] Renewing Mist

  2. We create a condition which will cast the spell on your target if it is friendly and alive /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@target,help,nodead] Renewing Mist

  3. We create a “default” condition which casts the spell on your target if applicable and otherwise on yourself (in this case it is automated by the game itself) /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Renewing Mist

As you can see, adding another condition is done by adding another pair of brackets.

So these are the options you have. Personally, I use the last option because it gives me the most freedom.

A general note: If you want to heal with the mistweaver monk (or any other healer) I strongly recommend to not target your teammates but instead target an enemy. The reason behind this is simply that clicking on a player and then pressing the healing spell is a slow and inefficient way to heal nowadays (in comparison, I will be about at least 2 times faster than someone who needs to click on the target first). Instead using mouseover macros for all healing spell which require targeting or using an addon that allows you to activate healing spell by clicking on the frames are better ways to do it from my experience. Personally I would recommend getting used to mouseover macros.


Hey Whan,

Thank you very much for your reply. That’s what I wanted to know!

This character is indeed intended for healing and getting used to mouseover macros.

Thanks again.

Kind regards

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