I realise this could well be a patchday problem, but I cannot for the life of me remember which UI feature or addon has broken…
Before this prepatch, I had resized the vigor bar, turned it vertical and removed the Blizzard art, so it was just a vertical column of circles. It was then moved alongside my vertical Micro Menu Bar
My first inclination was that my Bartender addon had been borked, but having updated it, all seems well
I realise that its not the end of the world, but I spent ages getting my UI just as I wanted it, now its not perfect lol
Thanks for replying, but Blizzmove doesnt offer the frame changing abilities, and to be honest I find WeakAuras really complicated.
When I got to change the vigor bar previously it was a real eureka moment. Real simple and gave me exactly what I wanted
Its the sort of thing I would normally tinker around with Bartender to do, but it doesnt seem to offer an oprion to take control of the Encounter Bar…frustrating
Highly doubt it’s Bartender, they don’t even replace ExtraActionButton1 these days.
That said, I’m not turning up anything be it weakaura, addon, or a single other search result for a vertical vigor bar.
Do you have a screenshot of your full UI with it in vertical mode? Might give some insight into what addons you were running at the time. Can wrap the url in code tags, `url` or hit the </> button in the UI, if the forums don’t let you post links.
LOL well I updated some addons this morning (not including Bartender, WeakAuras or Blizzmove) and suddeny my VigorBar was back to being perfect again!
Blizz also did a server restart early this morning, so possibly something was hotfixed. Certainly not complaining, but would like to know how I changed the VigorBar in case it gets borked again in the future