Moving the tooltip!

Salutations gamers!

Before Dragonsflight I used the addon Elvui. Which was pretty great but a pain to setup.
Now with the Edit mode, it’s a lot easier to deal with. However-…

Is there a way that I can move my tooltip? It’s now kind of in the way of my spell bar and I’d like to move it elsewhere.

All help is welcomed! <3

Only with addons. MoveAny to generally move any frame and setup extra location for anything thats not movable. TinyTooltip reforged or TipTac reborn to move around tooltip and make it look better, show more stuff or less.
I recommend Curseforge application to keep addons updated if you choose to use any of the above or look for other methods. The above addons are constantly updated though, thats why I personally use them.

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