I suggest Eminence as your starting guild (not sure if they are recruiting or not). PVE guild that have some RPers as well, so imo a good starting point in your AD career.
Thanks a bunch guys!
So I guess I’ll be starting as both Horde and Alliance and then just see which one I like better.
So for Alliance - Eminence ?
For Horde - Serenity ?
By the way, how is the economy there? Since I’ll be leaving my mains on Deathwing, I’ll have to start with 0 gold in my bank in AD, will herbalism help me make money there? Don’t want my characters to go to bed hungry.
That’s because it is!
Herb and Alchemy.
Bam: Moneys.
As a little help for the start to get into RP, some of the most common RP hubs I have knowledge of:
- Stormwind City (A)
- Lakeshire (A)
- Darkshore (A)
- Feathermoon Stronghold (A)
- Astranaar (A)
- Booty Bay (Neutral)
- Orgrimmar, Valley of Honor
- Silvermoon City
- A mobile hub initiative by Rogmasha ([H(/N?)-RP] A Roaming Hub - Session Three - Durotar's Heat! 🏜️)
That’s as many as come to mind for me at the moment. Even without an RP guild you should find RP in most of these places in the evenings.
The economy’s okay due to there being many people = high demand and decent supply.
Sometimes transmog items go for far higher rates than you’d imagine, always pays to check.
Just mail me on your hordie and you get a 1k start.
Thanks a bunch for all the tips and for putting your time into my post <3
You made things more clear for me now.
Good luck on your endeavors! And when it comes to economy Herbalism and Alchemy will do you just fine, but so will transmog farming
We got an economy that’s oddly skewed to the Tmog side of things, while I do feel the usual PvE items are comparable to most other realms in terms of price. Just don’t feel weird if you see a pair of grey pants go for 10k on the AH, it probably has a 1-of-a-kind texture
Gl &hf!
Hellooo! Welcome to AD so I hope. Have a good time and if you need anything just gimmea bell, preferably via mail as I don’t use this character much and I’ll get back to you.
be careful cause I might just do that ^^
Hi, welcome, come try rp!
Horde has plenty of action and a whole lot more story, people telling you that Horde is barren are gloomy fools!
Hello and welcome! Also Eminence is Horde
Whatever needed to be said is mostly said above…
Though! If ever needed anything, just poke me, we are here for you, good to have another AD friend around!
I’m just gonna leave that here and encourage you to read it, and welcome to AD I started out on a PvP realm back in the days and then moved to Defias to try out rp and eventually ended up here when I realized defias wouldn’t recuperate from the realm merge, I haven’t regretted it a second. Now with the warmode you can also get that PvP if you want that.
I have only tried Horde rp once and it was on a Troll on a festive event, it was super fun though, and I think Horde can bring some nice more “primal” rp than Alliance, though Alliance has a bigger community, with the pros and cons that brings.
thanks a lot guys! I already created a Blood Elf and a Draenei!
It’s gonna be a bit hard to leave my mains on deathwing since I can’t really send stuff like items and money over the mail (realms not having been merged and all) but that’s my only issue I guess
My Draenei is Kanura and my Belf is Saeilyn
So I’d love to talk to each and everyone of you on both sides and to join a guild!
Which classes suit blood elves the most btw?
First and foremost i say Hunter and Mage
You also have Warlock, Paladin and Priest second, in my opinion
Paladin, Mage and Hunter, they seem to be the biggest forces.
Paladin - The Blood Knight Order, led by Lady Liadrin.
Mage - The Magisters’, led by Grand Magister Rommath.
Hunter - The Farstriders, led by Halduron Brightwing.
If you don’t RP, prepare for a lot of well constructed derailment on why you’re not welcome on the server.
Ah yes a good way to deter to those with ill intended by a display of how easily the roleplay community is triggered by lashing at our pool of could be roleplayers.
I’ve never RP’d and I’ve had zero crabs thrown at me, despite saying so many times on the forums. But this person has actually said he/she wants to roleplay and is asking for ideas.