Moving to Argent Dawn from Deathwing

Hello fellow WoWies,
So I’m posting here because I’ve been in this dilemma for quite some time now. I’m thinking of moving/creating a main in Argent Dawn because the community there seems to be more fun and friendly (though there quite a lot of friendly people on deathwing too) and it feels like they take the game into the fantasy theme that it should have been.
During the past couple of months, it feels as though most players on my server are more focused on goals such as gear, raids, hardcore play etc.
I don’t really consider myself to be a hardcore player, I mean yeah, I love PvP and PvE but sometimes it feels as though people are more focused on the goals rather than the game (did I explain it good enough?)

anyways, I wanted to know whether it would be a good idea for me to create and focus on a new main on Argent Dawn, how is the community there for real, should I pick Alliance or Horde (in terms of fun and community).

I just really need to hear out someone who has been in both an RP and a regular server because everytime I start playing on Argent Dawn, I feel like I’m missing out on my mains who are on Deathwing.

Sorry for turning this into a newspaper article but I can’t explain my thoughts well enough :stuck_out_tongue:

And I’ll just mention that even though I don’t have much experience as an RPer, I think it will be easy for me to connect to it and to learn. I even have an addon installed though idk how to use it :stuck_out_tongue:


Will you rp, tho


She better be, perhaps she/he will go on an E-date with you :slight_smile:

Im booked by lotheridan

But no, if OP has no intention in RPing on an RP realm - it is by default difficult to suggest what faction to pick and how they will enjoy the realm, no matter their honest and pure intentions.

Yeah, it kind of depends on what you’re looking for on the realm. By virtue of sheer population you’ll probably find it, but it may require some digging.

I’ll be honest with you guys, I’m not sure how well I can RP but I definitely wanna try … it sounds more fun than to just play the game like on normal realms


Then you’re qualified! \o/

Welcome to AD!

Trying is where it starts. :wink:

By sheer population (Argent Dawn is about 70% Alliance, 30% Horde) it’s probably a safe bet to start out on Alliance.

There’s all manner of PvE-oriented guilds on the server that also do RP on the side.


But I still wanna know whether I should create and focus on a new main/new mains there and whether I should choose Alliance or Horde in regards of community and fun

Alliance rules are simple for rp.

  1. Keep your pants on
  2. Spit at worgen
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Guess I’ll start of an Alliance character then.
I’m curious to try Horde too though.

Any suggestions for good/well-known guilds? as an Ally I’ll probably role as a human/lightforged/Velf…If I go horde then I’m gonna be choosing a belf probably.

how is the horde side of things there?

Up to you really.

Would you like to have your current characters and make them into RP toons? Move your current one/ones.

Horde/Alliance, it depends on which you like more to play, or which race you’d like to try to roleplay as.

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and Horde rules?

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Yes Totally unbiased opinion.

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Well I was thinking of transferring my mains from Deathwing but then I thought it would be ridiculous to throw so much money at it, so I figured I’d be better off starting from scratch even though I have a 110 boost.

Well I wanna try both sides honestly but my mains on Deathwing are both Alliance so I thought of getting a fresh perspective by rolling horde. However, more and more people keep telling me that the horde are in a very bad place in AD

Do what i dont do.
Dont use OoC in /y /s /e in RP hubs and during events.
Dont god emote/force.
Keep it nice and polite.
Respect eachother.

Should just move one character over, the one you enjoy the best, really (if you’re gonna move anything over).

You can also just give both factions a try? No rules that says you have to roleplay on one faction only.

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Alliance population is higher, so I would just go ahead and assume the probability to find a fitting guild for PvE / PvP is higher than on Horde. I also know that there’s been a shift to Horde in BfA, though, but I don’t know if that actually also impacted AD much. Finding Alliance casual RP will likely also be easier due to higher population, that doesn’t mean it is necessarily better, though (quite the opposite can be the case when it comes to quality).

Personally, I think the average player who raids HC / does some +10 mythics will be fine on either side of the fence.

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Any suggestions for good/well-known guilds?

Alliance side? Not too sure. On Hordeside there’s Serenity Now which seems generally to be very “jack of all trades” with it’s membership; some long-time RPers in there as well.


horde is great, the quality tends to be better.

if you’re looking to learn, I would recommend it.

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