Multi accounts Farming herbs ALL day

its everywhere and its going on for so long now what the hell u doing blizzard can u already do somthing, its really discourage me for playing or farming atm <.<

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Report them. Blizzard is not omniscient.

Been reporting these people for years (still do today) and never seen anything happen.
A little response from Blizzard would be nice, like “Thanks for reporting this player! We have permanently banned all of his 10 accounts and erased all his characters.”

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I actually got a response a couple of days ago for the reporting I had done, telling me that action had been taken against that player.

More stuff like this please!

Reported botter and had an answer within few days saying that it was idd a bot and action has been taken against the player.

So? Just let them. Herbprices are still comically high.

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