Multi CE Long standing Guild - LF Merge (small guild/group of people) to join us

Hey all.

Just checking the possibilities of the above.

We are Omnicide a long standing CE guild (since 2014) on Twisting Nether.

We are a friendly bunch of people that like to raid and get the job done while having a laugh. In the past we raided more hardcore and managed to achieve various good world ranks (best was world 242 and Famed Slayer of Azshara). Since the start of DF we decided to take a more casual approach and raid only twice a week (Wed-Sun).

Atm i am just checking to see if there is any guild struggling with roster issues or a group of likeminded people that might wanna join forces with us. If u want to check us make sure to check both Twisting Nether and Ravencrest wowprogress pages since our pre Shadowlands progress is on Ravencrest.

Feel free to contact me on discord if interested: g1ak1

Thanks in advance

Best Regards
Omncide’s GM