Multi-Class LF M+ (Raid?) guild (English)

As it stands I just came back to WoW and want to be fairly active again, sadly with my new job I am unable to raid some of the prime days raidfs happen. (Wednesday, Saturdays and/or Sundays.) Because of this I want to just try and get more into M+ as that would fit me better, of course I’d love to still do raids, but I’m afraid I can’t actually make the times anymore.

I’m experienced in Mythic Raiding with Tanks , Healers and DPS. As I’ve did raids as Tanks and Healers non stop, I felt like I wanted to play something different so moved more towards DPS for this expansion. Of course I can also play as a Tank or a Healer if need arises but I’d much rather play something different this time around.

As I’m no longer up to a level of dedication as I used to be, I am not too strict with what I’m looking for, I just want something solid for M+ (and maybe even the possibility of running raids on NM and HC once in a while.) If you can offer this you got yourself a fairly dedicated player to add to your roster! (Plus I did like PvP but it has been several expansions sicne I last played and have no idea how much it has shifted since I last spammed Arena.

I have about every class except Demon Hunter, Monk, Shaman or Druid at 80, the rest is 70 and all Horde, i do have all classes at 70 for Alliance too, so it’s possible to swap anything out as you see fit, but I might need some help to get them up to pace for M+ if anything needs to change.

Horde = Kazzak
Alliance = Ravencrest

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