Multibox Farming in Nazjatar with Warmode On is unbalancing the shard for proper warmode play

Hi, I am sick and tired of seeing some 10 druid multi-boxer on my nazjatar warmode shard when a chest drops or in the event of a battle. 99% of the time this person is not participating and undergeared by 8.3 standards. Warmode sharding is already a joke and now this is happening on top. Nothing about this is fair towards the players that actually want to play and participate in the warmode activities.

I suggest you Implement a shard selection option asap or better yet; just delete this warmode “feature” and bring back proper pvp servers. Maybe Ashran style nazjatar battles (on a consistent timer) is an option. As well as actual repercussions for disrupting other players with multi-boxing endeavors. Because there is no actions taken against this and it is clearly impacting a large portion of the game.

And before someone gets their multibox account out to complain about this, know that when you are the last people playing this damn game your not gonna sell a single herb. I got my sliver, I will come for you.


They are fun to kill tho.


They need to be banned IMO, its basically botting what their doing. I refuse to believe theres a player at that keyboard whatsoever.


Or that a player can use 10 keyboards at the same time.

I’m wondering, when you are 1 player versus 10 characters multiboxing, or on the same faction. What to do then?

Do items exist that you can annoy them with?


Been a multiboxer in Naz with about 10-20 druids running. I’ve whispered him asking easy questions such as “How many accounts are you playing?”
or “How much do you earn on this vs spend?”

  • I get Zero answers everytime.
    These people ain’t just multiboxing, its Botting by now.

If you do the detective work and send it to their hacks email they will handle it themselves if its detailed enough or at the very least look into it.

I totally agree with you on this. Pretty sure everyone more more or less knows this though some people still try to deny this and say how perfectly legal this is.

I kept killing a 5 man tauren guardian multi boxing bot in naz the other day. He sat there spamming thrash on all toons till I killed them all. Done it like 4 times before he logged off, it was clearly a bot


That’s the solution, in WM anyway.

yes for instance with rogue is fun to sap one of the characters. Then they are entirerly out of sync.

Multiboxers play the game in a way that each keyboard command is replicated to the other accounts. So he wants everything to stay on top of each other so they dont hit rocks and stop following each other or whatever

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he didnt log off, blizzard sharded him to another realm.

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All the toons laid there dead for about 30 mins after I killed him like 4 times so o assumed he’d logged off as he knew I’d just kill him again. I had bounty so he’d of been able to see where I was on the map

I reported over 100 times, sometimes same guy doing this hack, blizzard ignore and let cheaters keep playing, i pay the same, maybe more because they sell a lot with this cheats and pay the monthly fee with the gold, fed up really

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As a rogue SAP and blind the main(controller) guy and watch the others die Just standing and watching you killing them.


Focusing iris works really nicely on the smart ones since it goes through armor, i think they should still be banned though. It kinda blows knowing that their multi boxing explicitly to gut the economy.

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well i think we should all make a post about this on customer service. this is destroying quality in our virtual lives.

Ye blizz ain’t gonna turn away mbox customers. Maybe they could put them in their own shard with other mboxers, with no profession nodes tho.

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