Multiboxing (Personal thoughts)

So you play WoW as Singeplayer game? Okay.

I simply cant grasp this concept at all.
Why pay and play a game that is actually about communities / contacts and meeting different people.

To then play it as a singelplayer game?

Everything lose value in players minds/eyes and reality. More mounts,mogs,resources,gold ect.
Multiboxers farm it x times faster. Rare mount? Its rare only for non-multiboxer ect.
Play game as intended.
Im glad blizz done first baby steps.

He likes the gameplay of playing alone? It’s obvious, no? Wow has always had solo players since it’s launch, That’s what’s good about wow. There is different type of players. He likes the gameplay and lore?

Apart from my 2 friends, I don’t really play with anyone else. They are busy people, So I end up playing alone 90% of the time. I enjoy it.

Which is fine and can be done with 1 character, surely.
Especially enjoying the lore and the gameplay.

Still doesnt change the fact i never understood the concept of turning a certain genre of a game into a totally different one just by yourself.

Which, in my eyes defeats the purpose of the genre the game is part of in the first place, and also seems to be a reason to address multiboxing or the software used atleast.

It’s not turning a genre into something else. Most of the game is solo gameplay really. Wow is pretty much do what you want sandbox type of game in a way. Not everyone cares about clearing the latest raid or chasing one stat.

There is some people who just collect pets. You could argue wow isn’t about pet battling. It’s very subjective. There isn’t a right answer.

Agree to disagree then, because the notion of an MMORPG to me isnt only the story elements but also the social interaction with other players and things you accomplish together. no matter how small.

I am fully aware of that, yet i can still have my opinion about how i feel (or dont understand the appeal of said practice) towards people who use multiboxing to experience dungeons all on their own or the game in general. (as OP explained with different teams etc)

So yeah, just curious and shed my opinion on the matter.

yeah, by my comment i meant something else than third party programmes etc.

Because the game (atleast in classic) is not about communities anymore.
The only thing that matters these days is getting fully world buffed, speed clear all raids in 2-3 hours (on one evening) and rest of the week sit in major city complaining that the game is dead/has nothing to do. That is not how i like to play.

I am a multiboxer myself, and while I can understand the hate towards multiboxers from the majorty of players, please do understand that not all multiboxers are either afk goldfarmer, herb farmers or ele shams/hunters oneshotting poeple in BG’s.

I multibox dungeons with diffrent teams, and even attempt some raidbosses in ZG.
Also the arguments of ‘u guys ruin the economy’ is not true either (atleast not for me)
While we may play 5-10-20 chars at once, we have to gear those chars/train proffesions/skills (food/potions/flasks if attemting raids) So whatever gold/mats i get get is used for my teams. I havent even sold one item on the auctionhouse other some 16 slot bags i looted and didnt need. 99% of my toons have 0 honor kills (infact i only have 1 character with honor kills and thats my main tank from doing AV for the +hit ring)

So again stop saying all multiboxers are cheaters/botters.
Also not all multiboxers play for free. I pay for each account i have with my bank account

I got no hate against multiboxers.
Sure there are people abusing the system but there’s always going to be people exploiting systems and they will now move on to the next exploit while those who used multiboxing legitimately and actually enjoyed it will suffer.

I never said anything about the above and there is no hate towards multiboxers.

I just dont see the appeal personally to multibox.
Thats about it.

Isnt even windows considered a 3rd party software in this case tho?

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My apologies,
most of the stuff was general answering to the 5000 topics about ppl hating on the multiboxers. Wasnt directly ment to attacking you.

Its really disturbing seeing all this hate in poeple towards multiboxing. However using addons that automate stuff for them they are oke with.

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This is an interesting way of looking at it, if Blizzard has told us anything recently, it’s that they know best!

Hope you don’t encounter any mages in the world, your huge strawman might catch on fire.

I don’t really find enjoyment in RP personally but I wish for those that do enjoy it to be able to. There’s plenty of reasons why it’s enjoyable, more than I wish to explain

And i never bashed anyone for enjoying it.
Just stated i just cant find the appeal in it.

If people enjoy it, sure by all means.
And if you do so, and for other purposes than 10 druids herbing, this policy change hurts.

But then again i feel like it was a needed one regardless.

Multiboxxer tears are delicious. Guy on my realm was running 30-40 characters, No more hiding behind ToS dear Moonkin afk farmers! Under the new rules you are branded as a cheater! Justice.

So? Did anything change at all? Multiboxers just need to alt tab and continue gathering as usual.

Now they are focused on gathering more than anything… they will still make their gold

Changing a genre of a game is one of the most fun things possible. It’s one of the reasons I started modding games and later programming them.


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