I’m looking for a new raid after a long WoW break.
To me:
I’ve been playing WoW since BC and initially raided very intensively, back then as a Rogue. The last time I raided really actively was in Shadowlands S1(4/10 Mythic) and M+.
I mainly play my Pala and DH Tank and have a Warri Tank and my old Rouge rdy for TWW.
I want to focus fully on tanking again and want at least raid in the top 2000 World!
- Age: 33 years
- Main: Dêathmore, Tauren Protection Pala
- Twinks: DH, Warri (each tank) and my Rogue
What I’m looking for:
I’m looking for a semi Hardcore raid with an adult mindset, where fun and progress is the priority. The focus should be on clearing Mythic in the Top 2000 World
My preferred raid days are 2-3 Days in a Week, Starting around 19:00 till open end
If you are interested, feel free to add me:
Bnet: D3athmore#2253
Discord: d3athmore