Multiple Battlenet Accounts

Dear team and community,

With the launch of classic I returned to Wow. Unfortunately, I did not know that you could add multiple subscriptions to a single battlenet account and therefore I am now stuck with multiple wow subscriptions, each linked to its own battlenet account. This is problematic as I can only link my phone number to a single accout, also, I would like to login to those accounts without having to enter a verification code every single time I want to play. My questions therefore:

Is it possible to transfer all those subscriptions to a single battlenet account. If not, is it possible to somehow have the same phone numer for all accounts and login to multiple battlenet accounts on a single pc to be able to faster login to multiple wow instances.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

That should cover things from moving WoW to another account. I assume Classic WoW stuff will move along the retail WoW stuff, too.

Also, just to make sure: You don’t need two subscriptions to play both Classic and Retail (unless you want to keep clients for both running at the same time). The normal subscription covers both though if you started playing classic on 2nd WoW acccount those characters can’t be moved to your original WoW account I think.

Fantastic, thank you very much Grelier! <3