There isn’t a world where you’re going to use all 12 gems interchangeably. Doesn’t matter if you have 4 rings or or your other 1-2 best gems in your bag. A small minority might experiment with them but we all know that people do not have the time to experiment with builds and how every single gem performs so they’re just going to use the best 3 from a guide. People will either use a guide or sim and even siming can be wonky.
We all want Blizz to add popular addon features to the game. But for one reason or another that we don’t have an answer to, they won’t. So instead of waiting for them to do anything, we can rely on the community instead.
Ban addons that holds your hand and heavily guides you.
The oldschool part of me absolutely wants to go so far as seeing specifically DBM /BigWigs, Hekili /GSE, and Weakauras completely removed from the game. “Interrupt now”, “Dodge”, “stand in circle”… Yes, just turn off our brain, ignore the ingame voicelines and obvious wind up because an addon does it for you so you don´t have to take your eyes off the action bar… and then complain on the forums about boss mechanics not being easily visible
The realist unfortunately understands that probably 80-90% of players, especially those running more casual content, would effectively be locked out of playing the game at any even remotely challenging level. Simply because many if not the majority never really bothered to learn what their buttons actually do ( for ex I regularly see other mages that never use G-invis as a def or movement cd, but only ever to drop threat). And of course there are also accessibility reasons, for example a deaf player is going to benefit significanlty from a yellow text flashing on teh middle of the screen.
But oterwise it’s “Nah, just copy/paste whatever the pros use” because their optimized raid setup is ofc exactly the same thing as “your” situation farming leather on the open world /running delves / playing +5 keys… Because if you´re not grocery shopping in a F1 car, you´re doing it wrong
I would love to see people be forced to understand game mechanics and their class once again, but I don´t see it happening anytime soon… Addons are supposed be a bonus on top to lower your workload and make it easier to concentrate on teh encounter, but these days everyone tries to use them to build a ladder out of crutches.
In the end, it’s very much akin to never learning to use a simple #7 hand plane properly, but always and only ever using a surface planer and jointer from day one… and then later wondering why your otherwise beautiful 3000$ custom guitars constantly suffer from delaminating tops and splitting along the bookmatch… It´s entirely because you never learned how to do the work properly to begin with but relied on crutches to do it for you… and you likely never learned how to set those up properly, either