Multiple Cyrce's Circlet Rings

There are 12 different gems (3 x tank/healer/dps/stats). And there are surely many players want to have different gem combs for different set.

Players should be allowed to buy multiple empty ring (Cyrce’s Circlet) with gold. So we don’t need to socket/unsocket 3 gems each time we want to try a different combo.


You are not alone wishing we could buy a second band

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It would mean adjusting each upgrade quest. I am hoping this is added once you have the ring fully upgraded.

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Isn’t the Stormbringer’s Runed Citrine, Fathomdweller’s Runed Citrine and the Legendary Skipper’s Citrine combination is basically the best to… well the best?
I’m not an expert but this combo seems a bit “ultimate”

Should, but won’t. Sadly this is the way it worked every time such item was in the game.

And for those that say “you don’t need more sets”, some people might. I have no clue about the gems, but if there are ones for speed for example, or ones good for dps and ones good for healing: let players have the choice!

If you don’t lose anything by others having these, if they don’t provide unobtainable player power gains, why do you care? Let people have QoL.

But as I said, we won’t as we never had with these systems

For something around 32 or so of the 39 specs we have, yes… for most classes it´s a complete non issue. Ther are literally only like +/-5 specs that want different gems, and it´s usually changing Stormbringer’s out for Thunderlord’s for a 1-2% DpS gain, which is laughably small.

I understand the desire to not have to click twice to resocket one gem, but feel the issue is being heavily overblown specifically because it´s child’splay to do, and unlike conventional gems the one being removed isn´t destroyed in the process.

I wouldn´t be against it by any stretch, my druid would love it, and I think they should allow people to purchase as many as they can carry if that´s what they want to do… But when the dust settles, the actual detriment on gameplay for the majority of players is more or less a nothingburger because the workaround takes all of 5 seconds :beers:

And before people come in with pitchforks screaming “BUT MUH ENCHANTZ!!!”:

If 190 if a secondary stat is the sink or swim factor when you literally have 40k+ Secondary stat points on your gear, you´re either the .1% of the .1%, or you´re hard trolling yourself by not trying to get better bracers and focusing on the ring instead… though as much as cursed enchants cost that is at least a semi-reasonable concern if you´re switching regularly and you feel compelled to always hyper-optimize your gear :beers:

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People will pay large amounts of gold for 1% gains, because many muckle makes a mickel. So this is a QOL issue, as well min maxing when changing specs to help out a raid/party.

But for me, what is the downside of being able to buy an extra ring? Pretty much nothing, its a tick box or digit change in the software. By all means makes people complete the upgrade quests a second time to get them to max level. All of which just adds cheap content into the game. Or just let people buy the ring for a moderate amount gold. There is enough negativity for the game ATM. Adding some love would not go down badly.

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This is very true, but IME most people spend too much time trying to get “the best” instead of investing the effort in trying to git gud first… I can´t even begin to count the number of times over past 17 something years I´ve seen people fully decked out in full BiS only to perform worse than somebody who hasn´t even finished leveling… it used to be buying an account off Ebay, today it´s buying a charboost then a raid /m+ boost week after week until they have all their stuff together. And then when they finally start playing the game, they underperform because they were so busiy buliding a F1 car they forgot to learn how to drive the VW Beetle that they originally had, and then they´re suprised when the guardrails or a random tree say “Nice to meet you, Sir. Get rekt!” :beers:

And even more unfortunately, it´s not just in games. Everyone is always looking for the Silver Bullet, or the next get rich quick scheme, which then drives the shady operators that profit off of their gullibility. :frowning:

Again, I´d have no issues whatsoever if people could buy as many rings as they can carry, or even fill entiire warbanks with them for all I care, and would use the QoL myself on at least one or 2 toons. I just also believe most people are concentrating too much on the seasoning of the steak as being the problem, instead learning how to cook one properly, and then wondering why it’s either still raw or tastes like burnt leather :beers:

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People “git gud” by doing research and the research points to a bis list. They are only following advice given. You have to also remember there is a lot of peer pressure within the game. If Blizzard does not allow a second ring, then this Blizzard adding another intentional time sink. They know people play multiple spec. They also know that the ring will be on all BIS lists because they have positioned it there.

1, Not everyone only cares about BiS, some like the fun proc effects.

2, Even if people only cares about BiS, that wowhead guide is definitely wrong, as lot of other “guides” on wowhead.

No. You Git Gud by actually playing the game and practicing until things like muscle memory start to kick in. THis is not the matrix where just randomly filling someones head with book knowledge makes tehm a kung fu master. Just like you don´t become a F1 Pro by never driving a car or get good at basketball by watching the NBA on TV.

If for example you´re LoSing yourself on Shriekwing 5 seconds before the roar pops, those are 5 seconds where you could have been doing damage but were instead just useless healbait. If you´re too busy dealing with the wrest mechanic to do damage on Ansurek, you need to practice basic gameplay, and no amouot of % improvement from BiS gear will save your performance when you´re shafting yourself out of 50% my being out of position and having to run after a boss even though you knew beforehand where it was going to be pulled to… You can read /watch as many guides as you want, until you get the practical knexpereince it´s useless… teh RBMK reactor at Chernobyl was also theoretically 100% explosion proof… Now, how did that work out in actual practice again? :beers:

And until that practical knowledge and experience exists, everything else including BiS lists and Bis Talent builds is effectively just attempting to build a ladder out of crutches. Instead of slowly building your way into a class by leveling and taking mostly passive talents, only adding more buttons when you understand the ones you already have, people buy a levelboost, copy the “bis” talents, and are then so overwhelmed by a dozen buttons suddenly being in their bars that they fail at the basics by trying at all costs to be more advanced than they actually are. :wink:

Calling this a “time sink” is IMO highly debateable at best and laughably irrational at worst. A “time sink” would be mora along the lines of not allowing alts to skip the intro questline, or requiring you to spend hours doing all the siren isle quests again to get a second one… not providing a 15 second solution to any percievable socketing combination.

They´re actually effictively preventing it from becoming a time sink by allowing alts to skip and allowing easy resocketing, instead of having to redo the Command table quests to reacquire gems that were destroyed by resocketing. THAT would be a time sink, not click, drag, click, drag, click, drag, done. :wink:

Yes and no. They´re not “Wrong” per se, they merely assume a level of both gear and skill that most players will never reach, which in turn makes some of the choices bad in practice for most players. They also assume a well coordinated and properly raidbuffed group setting, and not a random PuG that can´t even be arsed to even get on discord to coordinate kicks, and are also primarily aimed at mythic raiders not Keypushers, though they do touch on that aspect in most of them.

But at least they are also explicit about stating the first part with regards to the BiS lists on class guides, wheras many other guides make other equally flawed assumptions that may or may not be applicable to the player reading them, but don’t mention any caveats but present themselves as the end of all knowledge, so people that don´t do their own research treat them as gospel instead… Essentially both apples are poisoned, just with a different toxin, which is why so many that actually know what they´re doing recommend simming your char and keeping your sims current instead of blindly following a BiS guide that´s only relevant for the top 1% if you`res only running LFR/N/HC.

But most people unforunately don´t care either way an just eat whatever poisoned apple they get served because streamer X and /or semi-famous pro Y told them to…and if you´re not thinking for yourself, you have no reason to wonder why some decisions were bad. :wink:

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Make loadouts affect citrine gems no need for extra ring when click different loadout, not a thing right now or maybe it already is did not test and to lazy to test that out.

So getting more rings instead of just, you know, changing the gems because…lazyness?

There was an addon in Remix that you could create loadout for all the different gems.

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It was IIRC a feature of Plumber, but I don´t know if it´s been updated yet to include the circlet…

It was yes and no, it has not been updated yet to do that. Then again, the developers might not think of doing that unless people ask him to

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So getting more addons instead of just, you know, buying a ring, because…laziness?

Buy more rings and clog up your bag or an addon that does it for you.

Merge it into retail

Would be the idealistic thing yes

Each rings hold 3 gems, instead of have 12 gems in your bag, you only need 4 rings, which save bag space.

And it is insane that some player wants more addons to do jobs that can be easily solved in game without addons.

All addons shall be banned, without exception.