Hello guys,
so ive been wondering i see that blizz offers character transfer option in the shop that only functions on your battle net account. It also looks like i can own multiple wow the war within versions on one battle net account. My question is…
My brother wants to start the game and he likes my collection of mounts/transmogs. Would it be possible for him to buy another wow - the war within version on my battle net account and use my collection and would it be possible for me to transfer one of my characters to his wow version and play together at the same time? Him on his version me on mine but on mine battle net account?
I dont know if thats “legal” in blizz terms so i would like to know your thoughts, maybe a GM giving response to this since i dont know whether i should create a ticket or how should i ask the GM about this topic.
Thank you for all the responses
Account sharing is not allowed.
Okay i figured as much… its just that the character transfer thingy kinda gave me this idea but i guess i just got it wrong lol
While the primary reason of it being disabled across BNETs is because of Warband feature. It was restricted anyway and you couldn’t bring over mounts/transmogs exactly because of this reason - players used to sell very rare pets/mounts in their collections.
I would like to add most digital or other game companies have the same terms regards this and it’s not blizz-specific. If there’s ever a family dispute or relation or whatsoever it will come to tears.
I’d suggest against it. While I believe account sharing is allowed for close family members (specifically because of cases where kids want to try the game other people in their household are playing), this is meant for the kid playing on the same subscription.
If you buy your brother second subscription on your Battlenet account, he may end up playing at the same time as you or even at different location (in time) and I genuinely wouldn’t want to risk it if I were you, as it will be quite obvious it’s two people playing (or that you’re botting) and might end up in the account getting banned.
Best course of action would be to get your brother a Battlenet account of his own. Besides, he might end up enjoying the process of collecting things anyway.
An update went out for that, while it is still allowed because WoW accounts and characters cannot be split anymore from BNET accounts it is now advised that guardian/parents create a seperate BNET account for their children/minors.
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To further point out the negatives.
You can’t play on the same battle.net account at the same time from two different laptops. The last one disconnects the other.
Same bnet account but with different sub account dealies is a thing for multi boxing.
I have 3 accounts joined to one bnet account.
Yes but you can’t access the main battle net account from two different laptops at the same time. It should log you out with one, not sure what that entails for WoW accounts, but I’d expect a total disconnect or disconnection from all bnet features (friendlist etc)
Can’t you just log into the game via the log in screen, launching the game via the exe?
Friends are the devil.
Something something so worried if you could…
But I have no idea, I suspect in theory it might be possible unless the .exe isn’t programmed to launch the battle net feature.
Keyword being might…
… for something that (account sharing) would be considered against the TOS anyway. Doubt Blizzard would bother as (I assume) they play in the same house, but still one could get a suspension and find a lot of technical complications.
If they want to test the latter, they can still create a second WoW Account with a Free Trial, download WoW on two laptops, and see how that goes!
I’m not sure, things may have changed.
I did try playing over two pcs so there was less alt tabbing but it was even more of a headache, but that was many years ago now.