Murozond rise

Now that you’ve invented a dungeon like Rise. Can you raise the time a few minutes? Please do it nicely.

That key has been timed on a +29 with multiple minutes left so timer is not issue. Either play with better players or improve yourself.

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this dungeon with need hard tuning in both weeks. Unfortunally rise it’s unplayable in both weeks with very short timer for hard packs and bosses fights. Same can share for DOTI : Fall

This argument isn’t a good one. Just because Neil Armstrong has been on the moon, doesn’t mean every human can do it.


Nah, there are like hundreds of timed runs in +28-29 range of that key. He’s stuck at 25 so is simply not good enough. He jumped on a meta spec but probably does not even know how to properly play it.

You have a lot to say for someone with such low score though :wink:

People just don’t utilize the maiden’s orb. That’s a HUGE time loss.

170 (12 on +29) and a lot of them are from the same players. And these players have other dungeons on +31. So there must be some kind of difference between rise and other dungeons.

No top players come to forums anyway, so the rest of us are in the same boat, no matter the score 1k or 3k.

so theres about a dozen 29 rises timed and most of them were done w exploits in prior weeks while other keys r being done on +31s and some of them seem very doable on +32.

but nah the issue isnt rise

You are aware that was done with the Tyr explot right? :slight_smile: Which was nerfed. If you see those +29 runs you will notice that they are weeks old. And nobody else managed to top them since then. Well, once again when the 2nd exploit was figured out.

But not since then.

The actually “top of the top” level is ~ a + 27. +28 if you go with uber meta spec and have a TON of luck.

For most specs the upper limit of what normal coordinated mythic raiders can do is ~ 26/27.

Pug groups are lucky if they time it in 25/26.

Compared to AD and BRH there is a stark difference… a big one…

As a ballpark estimate I’d say that peoples best dungeons are on average about 2 levels higher than their Rise keys.

I’ve timed 24’s my rises are 22’s.

A friends that has timed a 28 has a 26 rise and so on.

Timers are fine. Its not BRH but its okay

if my cheat death didn’t proc on last pull (dragon with 2 dudes) we would time 27 today… so giga unfortunate. we killed the boss without reset but while i was revived 2 dds died and so it was a slug fest. and we didn’t time. but at boss start we had like 5+ mins
and party wasn’t something special ~3.45 dudes

I had so many unfortunate “almost timed” moments there.

My most frustrating ones were when we kill the last boss, on time… but the dungeon % is 99.67%. Not 100%.

Why? Because tank missied 1 mini-add in the room after Tyr. And this mistake happens quite a lot because wow rounds up the % of the dungeon. And you cant double check.

I dont remember the exact % there, but if I made up the numbers if you need 70.3% it sais 70%. But if you forget 1 0.5% dude, it will actually be 69.8% but show 70%.

Its ridiculous to the core.

Happened to me already 4 times. Im sick of that place.

Install “WarpDeplete”, which replaces your M+ timer and shows everything you need to know.

Still think its ridiculous to install an addon to track fractions of a % for a dungeon…

I agree, but it’s a QoL improvement that I would recommend using.

They heared my cry :kissing_heart:

Wow… coming from a pro like you, ignoring that other keys has been done at 31 ect.