Please introduce the following changes for Retribution Paladin in 11.1
Mobility changes
Divine Steed base-line duration increased from 4 seconds to 8 seconds
Divine Spur (talent) now reduces the cool-down of Steed by 20 seconds and no longer reduces it’s duration.
Steed of Liberty (talent) now grants the Paladin Blessing of Freedom for 8 seconds when Divine Steed is activated
Unbound Freedom (talent) redesigned: When Divine Steed is activate, remove all movement impairing and snare effects from up to 3 allies within 10 yards of the Paladin.
Blessing of Freedom (talent) choice node, has been removed for Retribution Paladin.
Spreading the word (pvp talent) now grants blessing of Freedom to 2 allies within 10 yards of the Paladin at 50% duration when Divine Steed is activated.
Sounds pretty overdone? Also, then they also should redesign Retri to be a real melee spec, instead of being able to do most abilities from 10-30 yards. Can’t have the cake and eat it too.
I agree. 30 yard judgement should go down to 20 - 25 yards and 20 yard Blade of Justice and Templars verdict should go down to 12 to 15 yards.
Would need to add a stronger slow on judgement for this to work though. Or an instant gap closer such as
Divine Leap: Leap to a target within 25 yards dealing small aoe damage and slowing nearby enemies (or blinding them for 1/2 secs causing them to miss abilities)
Mobility changes
Divine Steed base-line duration increased from 4 seconds to 8 seconds
Divine Steed duration is actually 6 seconds since you’ll have Seasoned Warhorse baseline learned at lvl 40. Even with those changes it still wouldn’t fix the main issue
Divine Spur (talent) now reduces the cool-down of Steed by 20 seconds and no longer reduces it’s duration.
I’d like to see Divine Spurs differentiate itself from just your typical Divine Steed. Have it work like Tiger’s Dash by increasing it’s movement from 100% to 150% and duration reduced by 3 seconds
Steed of Liberty (talent) now grants the Paladin Blessing of Freedom for 8 seconds when Divine Steed is activated
Either keep it at 3 seconds duration and make Freedom undispellable or make it so that Steed of Liberty lets you not be slowed below 100% of normal speed
Unbound Freedom (talent) redesigned: When Divine Steed is activate, remove all movement impairing and snare effects from up to 3 allies within 10 yards of the Paladin.
Too weak. Slows would get reapplied anyway. Keep the old Unbound Freedom
Blessing of Freedom (talent) choice node, has been removed for Retribution Paladin.
Blessing of Freedom should be baseline instead and make Unbound Freedom a choice node with Steed of Liberty. Free Freedom during Steed vs Support Freedom with faster movement speed take your pick
Spreading the word (pvp talent) now grants blessing of Freedom to 2 allies within 10 yards of the Paladin at 50% duration when Divine Steed is activated.
That and you know what would be awesome if divine steed could use any mount of your collection. Maybe would need renaming but would had a lot of flavour to be able to customize, more choices are good always xD
The problem with the ret paladin is that its the only spec that can start the fight earlier before the other melee specs but once the fight happen ret lose that advantage.
So we get 1 second pre empty fight vs all the dmg and deffensive nerfs + the weak slows we have.
DKs can initiate with chain of ice and grip people in from range, Survival Hunters have stealth and a bunch of range abilities and pets, Rogues and Ferals get opener on people, Warriors can stormbolt then charge or heroic leap in for bladestorm, Enhancement can earthgrab totem or static totem, frost shock into charge their targets.
Yes but by the time they gap close you use blade of justice or judge but still this is not excuse for our poor CC and bad deffensives apart from bubble
No, you are not, the abilities I mentioned in my previous response have 20 to 40 yards range, depending on the melee spec you are facing. Meaning they are landing those abilities on you before or at the same time you press judgement. And you are most definitely not initiating against a stealth class unless you get lucky. I’m not trying to be mean but saying stuff like this make it seems as if Rets have some kind of unique advantage as a melee that clearly we don’t have.
hey paladins your passive healing is gutted your aura of reckoning and luminense are removed and replaced by usless pvp talents, you are finished, done. It was fun time to quit for me. Cya when they hire some brains to fix this caster meta.