MVP is misleading and should be removed

Its cause im very sore and ill atm with problems making me snappy .
I might think people like ex MvP Jito are annoying but i have seen him rip blizzard a new one many times same with other MvPs they are far from fan people they just know how to conduct themselfs .
But im going back to my sick bed to sulk :expressionless:

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feel better soon! :two_hearts:

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See that’s why I say the MVP Program lacks purpose, and in a similar vein it lacks transparency.

Because you don’t know. You know nothing about the MVP Program, how it works, who the MVPs are, what they do, or why they were chosen.

So you just make up your own reasons and expectations based on what you see and hear.

But it just feeds the stereotype. They’re all fanboys, brownnosers, bootlickers, propaganda machines, etc

If the MVP Program was better defined and information was more widely available about it, then you wouldn’t have to make these silly assumptions.

But because much of what the MVP Program entails happens behind the scenes and information exists in obscure and unknown places, then you’re pretty much left to make guesses of your own about it. And I don’t think that is healthy for the program, because then it no longer represents that which it is supposed to represent, but rather that which stupid people like you perceive it to be.

And that’s sad.


If that’s the case, then I should be an MVP, I can run circles around all of them put together.

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I don’t see lots of “constructive criticism” here at all, and neither on the us forums, or any other WoW community. It’s mostly armchair gamedesign posts or demands that blizzard employees get fired. Still the people that write it are treated as heroes and “rebels” and anything to the contrary is called sugarcoating.
The vocal part of the WoW community is so hostile and set in their dogmas, it’s no wonder every moderate forum poster seems like a shill to them.
I’ve never read anything in an MVP post that upset me, even if I disagreed, maybe that’s why they are chosen?


You see this as a positive? mate, that’s the biggest indictment of them, it’s an act.

At some point, I’m sure you took offense to something one of your family members said.

That’s what happens when they gave you their honest opinion.

I like most of our current mvps. I doubt most of them care about me though. They have their own opinions and they don’t always agree with blizzard. Not to mention if we weren’t ‘fanboys’ we wouldn’t be playing this game so I fear that this argument holds no ground.


World of Warcraft, where pathetic losers hate on other for enjoying the game.


Some people feel that anyone who likes WOW these days is a fanboy, a shill, or in bed with Blizzard and that is further from the truth. I think that people see the MVP’s and wrongly assume that they are like the blues and have some forum powers when in reality they do not.

Also put it this way, why would Blizzard want 100% negative, WOW bashing mvps? What purpose would that serve?


I wanna reply to you but not sure how to do that without getting myself permabanned


You should have a special text colour of your own, too. Grey, the same as the forum background.


Jealously swearing and frothing like a rabid mongrel won’t get you anywhere.

It’ll get you some nice reports though. You earned mine fair and square, enjoy it!


Using the words ‘like’ or ‘hate’ makes it personal and that’s not what this is about.

Exactly, and we have ours, so why are their opinions highlighted.

They can keep the title but make their text the same colour as everyone else’s.

The Support section of these forums barely gets any traffic, so why are MVP’s needed? post their random opinions in the General sections.

And to then have it viewed as the correct answer to anything said, yeah, no.

Genuine question, who actually reads something on the wow forum and takes it at complete face value just because the text is green?

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That’s a question for Blizzard, they highlighted MVP’s text for that very reason.

No it is a question for you, since you suggested that being a thing.


Blizzard said that MVP’s text are highlighted to act as an official response so yeah, it is a thing, which is why they should answer your question.

Source pls.

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I think it was in the Welcome, Please Read! thread

to keep it simple. there’re there to give you information and answer your questions.
if you ask them a question that’s subjective e.x "how u feel about “x” they’ll answer subjectively
but if you have gameplay question e.x "how do I do “y” they’ll answer objectively

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