MVP System - A good looking apple which is rotten inside 🧐

Yeah that was me sorry.

Bucket was full.


It’s more of a ‘monkey see monkey do’.

Are you sure the issue is not with you? Literally never saw a mvp argue with someone the way you describe it. Did you lose an argument against one of them and that made you this angry?


after you say

You are a joke of a person in my view and you are one of the most toxic posters i have met and witnessed on these very forums with your over use of childish emoticons and your “i am right your wrong” mocking and belittling tones .
Excuse me whilst i hold back on gagging with laughing at the huge sense of irony with your post .

I know 3 MvPs have had bans so you are posting the usual lies and untruths because you reported somebody and they did not get banned so therefor they didnt break the rules but annoyed you because there view did not match your’s.

Anyone who uses mental health issues as a joke is the type of person who should have a lengthy ban .


dont go there please, its not worth it.


Well i never had an argument or any fistycuff with an mvp, I didn’t notice them too over arguing with people.


It’s rational to assume that if a given person is flagged then an actual person looks at the report and makes the decision. At least it should work like that on the fundamental level.
The problem is that obvious toxic and inflammatory behavior from an MVP was reported and literally, nothing happened.

Personal bias, favoritism, incompetence, ignorance, and so on.
Then there is a case of cold statistics and pros outweighing the cons. Moderator can easily assume that MVP, in general, does enough good that a case or two of toxic behavior is not enough to suspend that MVP or revoke the MVP status.
Human history is full of people who were chosen to uphold the law and they not only fail to do that but also broke the law themselves.

Why would forum moderators which lack any proper training in terms of human behavior be an exception when even law enforcement officers who are properly trained fail at judging the situation or people?

I’ve been flagged and unflagged a lot of times because people love to abuse the report system against me :laughing:

Sure, and I had great discussions with MVPs but that’s not the point.
The point is that I saw multiple times MVPs that behaved in such a bad way that I don’t know why they don’t have perm bans. Even when reported nothing happened to them and I’ve been to a many public forums where people were getting 6 months bans for less toxic behavior.

If you report someone - more than once - for very toxic and inflammatory behavior and they keep posting every hour/day after than and they never disappear from the forum then you know that nothing has happened to them.

I meant that they have a higher status in regard to “account recognition”. When people see a green post they - by default - treat it and post owner in a different way than they would a normal post. It’s actually something normal.
Btw, I do agree that MVP posts don’t have a higher status than standard posts but due to personal bias, many people think that MVP post is pretty much always more valuable than normal posts and those people have a higher chance of agreeing with MVP even when MVP is wrong.

I never said anything like that and I don’t know how you came to this false conclusion.

False logic. Just because you didn’t see something happen it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Implying that someone talks about a given problem because he’s angry is not only a false logic but also a dishonest statement.

So you can openly flame me but I can’t make a post about the issue which I’ve encountered? Interesting hypocrisy.
Btw, I do remember you and your wave of flaming posts in my threads so maybe you shouldn’t judge people when you yourself behave in a toxic way.

Who and when used mental health as a joke? Are you -again- going to take out of context what I said just to accuse me of something? Here we go again… I guess…

I may be wrong but I thought this is the way it actually works on the forums, a Mod will look at the flagged post and make a decision.

I don’t want to argue with your logic here, but it is subjective, what you find toxic and inflammatory will be different to what I find toxic and inflammatory, that’s the nature of people as we all think differently. In any forum there needs to be set rules so that it is clear to all what is acceptable. I will again say that sometimes having a difference of opinion does not mean that the opposing player is toxic, they just disagree. On the flip side, yes I have seen many posts that do resort to flaming and name calling, but if I am honest, I have never seen this from an MVP.

What I am trying to say is that if a poster is breaking the rules and is behaving in a toxic or inflammatory way, then I would assume other players would flag this post, whether it is an MVP or not. I would have no second thoughts about flagging such a post myself.

Let’s be realistic too, if I make a report against an MVP then it is the duty of the Mods to investigate. They may love the MVP in question, but they still have to investigate and if my claims are proven to be true and they ignored it, are they not putting their own jobs in jeopardy? I recently seen a thread where it was claimed a Mod had lost his job for abuse of power, do you think other Moderators are unaware of this? I am sure that they follow whatever rules/guidelines they work to, why would they not when it is their job to do so and if they don’t do this they can lose their position and income?

I am not saying this is not a fact, but again if you made one complaint it could mean a ‘black mark’ or a warning given to the MVP that we would never know about. What I am saying is we do not know if any action has taken place as it is not something that is discussed on the forums.

Again I can only say if you truly believe that MVP’s are acting in such a way then each time flag/report or use the link provided earlier. If such toxic posts exists and are happening on a regular basis, then I am sure you will not be the only person reporting this.

You are correct you didn’t say anything to suggest this, I just assumed it based on what you had previously posted about MVP’s engaging in discussions, so I thought you were referring to another thread where this happened. I wasn’t trying to put ‘words in your mouth’ if it came across like that I apologise.

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This forum is split, there are people who hate flying, then there are those who can’t play the game without it.

No matter what you think is right and cool for the game there will be others who 180° your idea every time.

You need a break from reading the forums, I know how it can be from personal experience, I’ve been squished PLENTY of times on here for breaking their rules.

You are dealing with human beings with different temperaments, personalities and opinions than you, that can quickly turn to passive aggressive attacks.

Just drop it cause you’ve got nothing to gain and more to lose on this turf.

And yeah, I imagine this forum is in general a pretty biased hivemind, where the opposing argument people have simply quit participating and stopped contributing. It’s like a PvP server where one faction has completely dominated the opposing faction off the server and the faction ratio is 99:1.

Fighting that big of a crowd alone is like asking for an express trip to the mental hospital.

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Are you ok?


The only MVP I recognise in the forums is Punyelf. While I might not always see eye to eye with him/her she/he is always polite and at the end that is all that matters. No idea how you came up with all these conclusions about mvps, but they sound kinda far fetched to say the least…


There is an irony in making such a toxic mean spirited thread like this, while calling others out for it.

“Hello kettle, youre black”


Off topic, the heat is finally lowering and tommorrow is gonna be even worse…:cactus:

I stand to what i said and others too, I didn’t see a mvp conduct himself /herself like that !

Its over 30 degrees.
The heat is never ending

Atleast i didn’t lose everything, went this morning buy some premium tobacco cigarillo, the heat was terribe in the car with that mask.

Most often it works like that but like I said if ALL the reports are being reviewed by a moderator then why people who got reported more than once for obscene toxicity and bad behavior were never punished.
There are 2 logical conclusions:

  1. MVPs get special treatment due to their forum status.
  2. Not all reports are reviewed by mods and part of the system is automated so depending on the user account, the number and type of report system may never do anything about a specific account.

For example, soon as I made this thread it was reported multiple times for -allegedly - breaking the CoC rules and was automatically hidden. A 1-2 hours later I got a message that the moderator has removed all the reports because - obviously - I wasn’t breaking CoC.
So right here we have proof that a) part of the moderation system is automated and b) moderators take actions but at some higher degree of a problem.

My conclusion (somewhat educated but still more on the side of hypothesis) is that the reported MVP wasn’t punished because my single report at a given time wasn’t enough to trigger the system to push the problem to the actual moderator.
On another hand, it’s also possible that the moderator saw the report and since it was about MVP they got a free pass or something like that.
It wouldn’t be the first forum that gives special treatment to users with special status.

Forum Code of Conduct specifies what you can’t do and the person I reported was breaking some rules from sections “Harassing or Defamatory” and almost all from “Spamming or Trolling”.
There was everything from making false accusations and abusing the report system to your typical offtopic trolling to derail the thread and even straight-up insults.

If someone is breaking more than one rule at once from CoC and he didn’t get obvious punishment like at least 7 days ban on the forum then the system is broken regardless of what anyone says.

That’s the thing, they aren’t happening regularly and because they aren’t getting exposed they can keep up pretending to be good and useful while under this mask is hiding attention-seeking toxic person.
Obviously from now on, I’m going to make reports with proper evidence so they get what they deserve and I’m also not going to ignore all the toxic trolls who think they can spam and derail threads simply because think that in their opinion thread shoudln’t exist or other nonsense like that.

It’s all good :wink:

Are YOU ok?
Daestra implied that I use mental health as a joke so I’m asking where is that joke since I didn’t make any jokes. I know for a fact that Daestra love to take what I say out of contents to make false accusations so maybe you shouldn’t follow his/her steps which btw are against forum CoC.

So talking and describing issues which are against forum CoC is “toxic” and “mean spirited”… ok chef…

Oh, so now you speak for everyone. Interesting.

I wonder how many “alts” is in this thread making positive claims to deny what I said :laughing:

MVPs are real people with emotions and you made a thread to attack them. And you pointed out nothing breaking forum rules.
Although I’d wager a thread like this attacking a specific group of a few people could break them.


No definitely not, but we didn’t genuinely saw that happen and some others said the same, look I understand you said you saw it happen.

I made a post about the MVP system and described the types of people that exist in this system so I’m not attacking anyone. In fact, 2/3 of what I said is very positive against MVPs.
Besides moderator has already reviewed reports against this thread and throw them into the bin because it’s obvious that people exaggerate or even made up false accusations against me and what I do.

Ok :wink:

You say this whilst accusing Ussrainblood of alt posting? Hmm ok then.

Onto you OP, I also haven’t witnessed any MVPs acting in the way you have described here. It’s not good if it has happened though.

Now it could simply be that the situation has taken place on another part of the forums and therefore its not likely I (and many others who mainly frequent GD) will have witnessed such behaviour.

You seem to be having difficulty in distinguishing between people having not witnessed such behaviour from MVPs and them calling you a liar though, thats also not so good.

As for moderation its really quite simple how it works: someone flags your post and it goes into a queue to be reviewed by a moderator who will decide if to take action or not, if enough people (around 5 but some believe it is more and closer to 10) flag it then it is hidden until a moderator reviews it and makes a decision as to whether to remove the post and action the poster or remove the flags.

The difficult part comes in the problem of flag abuse, that is usually when someone alt flags posts to hide them, although we have been told they are working out how to stop that (soonTM)

However, I don’t believe that happened here, I think people saw you attacking MVPs mental health and flagged you for it. Rightly or wrongly, people have the right to bring things like that to moderator attention if they think that goes over a line.

You don’t have to agree and you can carry on believing you are being targetted but maybe choose better words in future :woman_shrugging:

Have a good rest of your night/evening.