MW Caster build still viable on TWW?

Greetings fellows Monks!!
Any Monk here, using the caster build? what are your thoughts on this build in TWW…i know that 95% of MW on the planet plays FW :slight_smile: , but for me an healer must be a caster range :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you and cheers!!

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I think there is no problem to play a build that is centered around range casting. The reason why it was so strong in last seasons is the nerfed square root scaling from your vivify cleaves.

Now that Blizz brings a new mechanic with zen pulse, you will lose a lot of healing if you are not applying and extending renewing mist via rising sun kick. Monks are meant to be a melee healer, so blizz will definetely tune more in this direction. If u wanna be true caster with no losing to your performance , you need to switch the class

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I don’t know why people say a healer is meant to be in melee, a healer is a healer. It should be a playstyle option to be in melee, not compulsory.

From what i’ve seen MW is perfectly viable as either caster or FW and no one needs to reroll.

With that being said, it would be wise to learn both playstyles so that you can adapt to the content requirements.

If i’m not mistaken, FW is meta in M+ and MW is meta in raid, both find use in pvp.

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