MW monk flag carrying

It needs a nerf, only monk players can defend this.


Like I said, go ahead & nerf it.

But be sure to nerf everyone’s new enhanced abilities while you’re at it.

Yeah, it’s bad. The only way to stop them is by killing them before they get to your base… in the 10 seconds it takes them to cross the map. Once they get your flag you already lost.

Was able to stop a few Mistweavers so far, but it was always due to them not utilizing the torpedo jump exploit properly.


flg carries should be vastly slowed.


As a mistweaver main, i can agree that this is OP as it is.
Once we have the flag we almost are unstoppable…

Switched to WW because dispite our ability to run flags without competition, healers get hate when something goes slightly wrong :slight_smile:

MW monk is actually the definition of solo carry.
In high mmr - its a huge benefit, in low mmr - good MW monk solo wins games, period.
If on Twin Peaks you are on ally side, and enemy has MW that has hands, you can basically just afk because noone will intercept him before flag, and after he grabs it he’s already half map through with it.
Another thing is druid’s Flap, but its only half as boosted as MW.

You know, there’s a reason every person in top 10 is doing duoq with a healer. And that healer is always MW :slight_smile:

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Def has to get nerfed. Ridiculous.

I dont mind them having this mobility but not when holding flag, something absolutely has to change.


I hadn’t seen this.
‘Flying’ with the flag is a little over-the-top…
But if that’s not allowed, surely neither should any glide/slowfall -to be consistent?

Well technically it isnt flying. You just torpedo through mid air where no one can catch you unless you’re about to land.

I dont think glide and slowfall will rush you through 50% of the map with flag. Maybe I’m wrong though.

I think Flap does about the same distance & I’ve seen (though not recently) Parachute work similarly.

So I don’t mind eating a nerf on that if everyone else does too.

THIS. So much this. Monk mobility used to be the argument for why they were so squishy. In DF you couldn’t really go toe to toe with any other melee spec. You’d get chomped down in a matter of seconds. But now all other melee classes easily have enough mobility to chase down a ww. Not to mention roots, snares and stuns.

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the thing is these are strong too but balanced by the fact that when you catch up with a boomkin or demon hunter or mage FC, they actually die.

with MW monks, you firstly don’t catch up with them, because they use the crane summon to make themselves immune to slow, and also have shorter CD, longer reaching mobility than you, and then secondly if they happen to make it to the flag room, well now you need to split your raid group like you’re doing opulence in BFA or something, with half going downstairs and half going upstairs, because the mw monk can also teleport through walls with the flag

and then lastly even if you surprise them with damage in a stun as say a rogue or an MM hunter with intimidation out of camo, they just use restoral which is revival that can be used in a stun and with the honour talent it now also turns it into a 2 second bubble which again can be used while holding the flag


Really depends on the quality of the player(s) & how well they utilise their tools. I’ve watched all 3 of those specs pull off similar moves & leave teams for dust. But when it’s MW, its now a problem? Now although I haven’t pulled off that glide move, I do like that we have a tool to break a fall.
MW (like everyone else) are far from immune to dying.

Immune to slow for 12(?)sec, but not immune to sap/incap/poly/stun/knockback/grip/RoP…

Trying to catch-up to a MW may prove futile (sometimes), but when players know they’re inclined to glide across the map after the first time, they’ll have a good idea of where he’s going to land (& he’ll have burned most of his torpedos doing that gliding move). I think bee-lining for the Monk (instead of where he’s going to be in 10sec) is a mistake.
Plus if he’s outrunning the enemy team, he’s likely also outrunning his own team & flying solo, with a stacking Brutal Assault debuff.

You know I’ve been running MW (& flags) for a long time, since before these mobility buffs. I’ve been on the receiving end of teams countering MW countless times.
Nerf our mobility/port now & we’ll likely never pick up another flag & the focus will shift to the next mobile spec. Then the next.

I don’t deny MW FCs are tricky to deal with (esp if new to BGs), but we’re hardly immortal & there are absolutely tactics & tools to deal with us.

@Gnomechomsky Why are you yapping out of your a** when you’ve no idea what you’re talking about. You’re sitting here defending MW’s not being crack broken while you’re sitting on 0 exp in arena/rbg/blitz.


Collectively as 8/10/15 players to coordinate to kill a single player. Yeah, super balanced.

You shouldn’t be able to TP with the flag. Simple. Especially with how utterly ridiculous their mobility now is in TWW. There’s a reason why they’re the highest rated healer in Blitz.

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Agree to disagree.

Isn’t it crazy that out of all people on this thread you’re the only one defending MW as a class being broken on FC maps?
Even other MW players are agreeing to the fact that it’s OP, maybe the port isn’t the biggest issue the mobility to get cross map in a 10 second time frame is the issue.
Just accept the fact that your class is broken when it comes to the FC mechanics and stop debating with people here because you as a monk player think you’re right, if you think it’s balanced due to you playing it yourself you’re either just dogsh*t or delusional.

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Playing MW in BG’s consistently for over a decade & perma running flags = ‘no idea what I’m talking about’.

Thinks Arena experience is relevant to a discussion on MW porting with flags in BGs.

Practically playing monk heal and getting a flag carrier bg, it’s almost free rating. They have to nerf the mobility of the monk with a flag, because if you don’t have a dk on your team that goes like a sick man after the monk, it is too difficult to stop him

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Well rather than let it turn into a circle-jerk of people ripping into MW, I figured some counter opinions might not go amiss.

Sure that’s a discussion worth having.
But it was the issue of Port I initially responded to.
I don’t deny MW mobility is strong, but I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts, as the amount of complaints it’s receiving, it’ll inevitably be nerfed sooner or later.

What have I said that’s wrong?

Speculating on what I might be thinking probably won’t be productive, unless you need a strawman to beat.