MW monk + mage LF raiding guild <silvermoon>


Thanks for taking the time to read this post, and if you’d like to chat, please add me on Yazi#21665.

My guild is currently a little rocky, so I’m interested in keeping my raiding future secure and seeing what else is out there.

I’m a skilled MW monk (381), with an IRL Mage friend (frost, 372). Our current progress in Uldir is 2/8 mythic, which was mostly due to numbers, and a portion of the raid team leaving the guild, forcing the raid team to halt and resume in the new year.

What we want from a guild:
We’d like to raid twice a week, preferably in the evening. I would struggle to commit to a raid starting earlier than 21:30 Server Time (20:30 UK time). I also cannot commit to Fridays and Saturdays as that’s when 99% of family and work events occur. We like to raid in a relaxed, progression minded atmosphere

Raid Experience:
-Currently 8/8 HC and 3/8 M.
My legion raiding was sporadic due to previous work commitments preventing me from raiding regularly. However I still managed 3/8 mythic in Antorus.

Geared chars (and what I play to a good level):
I have a 381 Monk (all specs), a 367 DH (both specs), a 372 Priest (holy/Disc) and a 372 Druid (all specs).

My preferences are to main my monk as MW, and my druid as balance back up for DPS. I would consider maining either character in these respective specs. The catch currently is my Druid is on Draenor (horde) and will only be transferring once Kul Tiran’s are available.

We may be persuaded to move realms, but a faction change is not currently something I’d consider (only moved to ally in BFA).

As an added bonus I have another friend who would join with me, he’s a BM monk with pretty much every Cutting Edge.

Thanks again for reading and I look forward to hearing from you.

Hi Lycanlord,

We are not on Silvermoon, but does not hurt to post ;). We are a casual guild with alot good and fun people to play with. We also focus on progress on main raid days. We do Mythic+/raids/lvl and other fun stuff…

Our raid times might be off, but we can always see what the nea year brings us.

Here is our recruitment message:
Hope to see you soon.

Still looking

We have also been looking for a guild that starts 20.30. Its been a month now and no luck.
I dont think there are many guilds that raid these times.
Happy hunting