MW Monks are busted brev

Nah for real though fam, this spec radiates chad like energy atm. Like just hit TFT and insta heal for crap tons, do AoE giga omega tsar bomb damage AND healing, then can slap you with kicks to heal themselves and team. The one cast they do in all that is immune to interrupts also. Most busted crap I have ever seen a healer pull off.


This wednesday it gets nerfed to 3 targets instead of 5 in pvp
If it’s still OP I’m sure more nerfs will follow, I expect them to nerf the damage->healing conversion for CJL :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

give it time, we will be useless again in no time :'D

Ain’t it funny how they go from pretty bad to 1 change and buff to pretty strong :smile:

Just try it :smiley:
Every shuffle I blamed that I didnt do any dmg…
Now the problem is we do dmg :smiley:

The main problem with MW monks was they have no dmg, but can do big heals. Now they do big heals, and some dmg like others.

Holy Paladin still has not to cast anything…
And ppl complain about that they are immune to interrupt every 30 sec…

What do you want? 2v2 shuffle? :smiley:

The Zen Focus Tea immunity is absolutely a stupid change. Some idiot was moaning about it in a guide. I was sitting thinking to myself if he was serious… Everyr TFT you your most busted ability uninterruptable, and then get to insta cast Envelope and Vivify anyway. Absolutely BUSTED change.

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