MW - raiding build. Is it fun for you?

The top build seems vastly superior to the rest, but I find it too straining on my attention to monitor procs, do melee rotation and focus heavily on the raidframe while dodging a bunch of stuff like on Rashok all at once.
I know healers are meant to suffer from multitasking overload but how do others feel about this? And do other classes feel similar in this regard?

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I honestly never bothered much with following the “top builds”, as I play more of a pure mistweaver (as opposed to fistweaver) build, and I’ve found it to keep up with most other monks of comparable item level (though it does suffer from mana starvation on drawn-out fights). I will say that when I tried the cookie cutter option, I did find it to clash badly with my preferred playstyle, being too hectic to be enjoyable.

If you do use the fistweaving or hybrid fistweaving style, you’re probably experiencing way more multitasking overload than most classes ever do. I can of course only give my experience (which is, naturally, highly subjective and only true on the builds I use), but I’ve found the following to be true:

*Monks: Mistweaver is easy with insane HPS on demand, but you’re sure to experience mana issues on long fights. You can still heal, but your HPS will nosedive. Fistweaver or Hybrid Fistweaver builds are very hectic and demand enormous attention focus, but has a lot less mana issues. The most fun healer IMO, as you essentially have two completely different playstyles in one spec.
*Druids: Lots to do, constantly casting to keep as many HoT’s as possible up. However, it is a constant stream of “work”, rather than sudden crisis management. Except for tranquility and the fae, there is limited “oh s¤¤t!” options when the whole group starts to die.
*Evokers: Pretty easy, lots of high HPS spells, tons of utility and movement, the one weakness is group placement and distance (as Evokers have 10 yards less range than other healers). Oh, and if you DO find that you’ve managed to put all your main spells on CD at the same time, there’s a bit of a wait before you have them come back online.
*Paladins: The easiest, to the point of being almost boring. Build Holy Power, blast Light of Dawn, rince and repeat. You never run out of mana and you can take tons of damage before you die. Perhaps the best choice for tank healing, especially on bosses where you split the raid into tank+1 healer on one side and the rest on the other, due to the Beacon mechanic.
*Shamans: No experience, but they seem very strong. Chain heal is amazing and probably the main focus, so I would guess there is less focus issues than with monks.
*Priests: No experience, but it’s the OG healer class…

Anyhow, that’s my (once again, highly subjective) impression from playing the aforementioned classes al lvl 70 in normal and heroic raids. Hope it is some help to you at least!

Yeah, I guessed as much. I tried a pure caster build with zero melee abilities with clouded focus and tear. The HPS is good, the control is OK but the mana efficiency is horrible as it requires me to do massive overheal.
It’s great for topping the parses on 4 minute HC farms but in mythic it just lacks endurance.
I’ll probably still use it over the hybrid build because I cannot pay attention to everything and either end up dead or doing bad HPS.

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