MW Spinning Crane Kick redesign

After trying out Dance of Chi-ji yesterday I was thinking about the place of SCK (Spinning Crane Kick) in our Healing kit in M+.

Since as of now, the gameplay feels more like “spin to win” in mob packs with little other interaction with our kit. Dont get me wrong I love SCK thematically but the spam gets annoying over time.

Therefore I thought of a way to integrate SCK in the Fistweaving Roatation and make it lass spamable:

SCK will be a stack based ability. You generate Stacks with hits from Tiger Palm/Blackout Kick/Rising Sun Kick (therefore generating more in aoe) and spend them to use a buffed version from SCK.

Its important that you can generate more stacks than you need for 1 use (best would be 3-4) therfore you can use your SCK on demand for burst healing/dmg.

In my opinion this would make the aoe roation much more interactive with our normal rotation and leaves room more for other globals.

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