MW viability pvp

Hi all,

Just wanting to find out what the viability is like for casted MW Monk in TWW? I’m not a huge fan of fistweaving so i’m hoping casted is at least reasonably strong.

I don’t have beta access so can’t test it myself.


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Idk if its viable (could still be “fixed” by overtuning PVP numbers) but caster MW gameplay in TWW is “hardly” better than its DF version: boring healing turret from max range with no damage and bad utility.

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That’s fair, really all i’d like is to not feel like i’m letting the side down by playing an inferior healer. As for the playstyle, sometimes it’s nice to sit back and chill for a bit, it doesn’t have to manic button mashing all of the time. I understand that’s not what everyone wants though.

If you ever played TF2’s medic, that’s caster MW for ya. Healing beam, (Soothing Mist) with insta cast spam and the focus+ mana tea drinking contest. I like it tbh (not fan of Fistweaving, tho not denying that it’s very powerful), simple yet effective, and can dish out a ton of healing, high mobility and some unique utility skills (ie Ring of Peace). But to each their own.

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MW is last on the pvp tier list in dragonflight. And the genius devs are nerfing them even further into the ground in TWW. Being as they were already at the bottom this will probably make it so they aren’t even viable anymore. Sorry mate.

Some nice nerfs:

  • Healing Elixir now heals for 10% of maximum health (was 15%).
  • Overflowing Mist now heals for 0.6%/1.2% maximum health (was 1%/2%).
  • Life Cocoon absorb amount reduced by 40%.

If that wasn’t enough they are removing Clouded Focus, which reduces mana cost by -30% and healing by +30% while channeling soothing mist (for vivify and enveloping mist). This is gonna take a huge chunk out of our healing and mana.

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