MW+BM Looking for preferably Boomkin/Shadow for 3s(Horde EU) (Or healer to play with WW/BM)

Hey All,

Horde EU, ignore characters in profile due to name/faction changes , We’re preferably for a Boomkin or Shadow Priest to play 3s with regularly a few evenings per week to push rating, low CR at the moment and about 1.8k recent exp.

Not required to be really sweaty experienced high rating, any skill exp within reason(know your class for pvp) and just looking to learn and improve and go up to high rating together, need to speak english and be an adult, we usually play around 20:00 UTC for a couple hours a few nights a week, we’re from Ireland.

Bnet is Lundy#2597 as for some reason this forum doesn’t notify you when there’s responses

edit I’m also a 1.8k recent arena xp WW if there is a healer looking for group that would go with WW+BM