My Archived Tickets | Most of old tickets missing

I just notised that most of my old support tickets are missing. When I toggle view achived tickets it’s just 4 tickets still there. I use to see all of my old ticket here.

How can I see my full support history and access all of my old tickets?

Hey Hedda,

It could be that some of those old tickets are part of the same ticket conversation, and as such listed as 1 ticket. Try opening the tickets and see if any of them show you additional responses.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

Hi. Thank you for trying to help me.

Anyway I contacted support.
I know that I should look for anwers in blizzard formums before and I did at least the best I could.
But I could not find any info about missing archived tickets.
Not on blizzard forums or anywere else so I contacted support.

In the anwer from this GM,
the GM wrote that (Blizzard) delete "very old " tickets or can delete old data.

So I quess (Blizzard) don’t always delete them?? Or?
As I understod the answer from this GM this is done by some kind of automatic rule in the system.
It’s not someone that manually delete “very old” tickets anyway.
Most of my archived tickets was “very old” and deleted.

I marked this ticket “Solved” and I don’t want to open another one.
I know they are deleted now so I know what happend to my old tickets, but I still wouder about some things cause I didn’t know about this at all.

I still cannot find any public blizzard information or any player post about this.
The only thing about delete tickets I can find is one old post where a player woudered if he could delete his own archived tickets. Don’t know why he wanted that.
Anyway a GM anwer him and wrote that it was not possible for players to delete them.
That’s about it.

I still don’t realy understand why blizzard delete them!?
It’s text files not high resolution video files so I guess you don’t do it to free up diskspace!?

Now im more curious aboute how this automatic rule in the blizzard support system works!
Like what condisions must be fullfiled before they are deleted!?
How long tickets are available for players before they are deleted from My Achived Tickets!?
How old a ticket must be before blizzard consider a ticket “Very old” !?
Stuff like that.
I wounder how it works. I guess at least some other players wounder about this too.

Do where I can read about this?

Kind Regards Hedda
PS. I hope I didn’t misspell to many words. English is not my native language but I guess you can see that. Anyway, I like to say, parden my English DS.