My arena partner got Gladiator rewards but I didn't. Saw yesterday that someone else got their rewards after posting here, so I will try aswell

i recommend you keep spamming tickets mate, forums will never give you what you wish for

Moral of the story?

Don’t be a cry baby whenever you don’t get what you want. You would have still been in the team and got your title if your balls had already dropped and you was more of a man.

I hope you don’t get anything.


Tbh deleting your character is just stupid.

It’s like using your dark portal pass boost and then crying that you want to boost a different class. Just think before you do things.

Sounds like you made a bad call and are now regretting the decision to rage quit. I’m sure we’ve all been there and made silly decisions during a moment of anger/disappointment. Just have to soak it up & move on. At least you know now that it’s something you can achieve in S2 if that’s the most important thing to you.

Gnome mage? Yeah get f*cked don’t care

AYUWAAAH! Bleeping m****loid s**t pull man!

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dont listen to all the salty 1k mmr foroum mouth breathers op. deleting the character after failing your objective is understandable, restoring him after realizing you actually did reach it is even more so. i blame blizzard to be honest, this is something they could fix in literally minutes if they cared

Lol how is deleting your character understandable because you spat the dummy out and now want blizzard to resolve a mistake that is 100% his own fault?

Do people that raid rage quit and delete their characters everytime they don’t get a drop or beat their best previous performance?

At the end of the day unless you’re 100% sure you want to completely quit the game you shouldn’t make silly decisions like deleting your character on a whim just because you’re disappointed about something in the game.

why would u consider this rage quiting? for example im playing till i clear swp because i didnt get to do that the first time around, after that ill close my sub forever. do you also consider this ragequiting? some people play with specific goals in mind, and are done after they reach them. his goal was glad

Come on blizzard get your act together

No, it’s a complete overreaction.

No mention of the OP restoring it. They may have done it after the rewards were given out so don’t qualify to get it.

Fixing what? Giving deleted characters a reward? That doesn’t need fixing.

Make a US account, it’s easy and free then level to 10, that’s easy too, then you can post.

This is why you don’t have to delete your chars…

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I hope Blizzard sort this for you brother

wtf the exact same thing happened to me I feel u bro. I hope blizzard gives us our deserved glad mount and title

Give this man his title…
Hope you made a screenshot of the GM giving you the confirmation @Yva


damn funny

Prayin for you old friend, get ur stuff!

Deletes char, wants title. This is a comedy. Take a break from the game, u need it.

Not quite understanding why you would leave the team and delete the char. Sounds like a sore loser who shot themself in the foot… I hope you learned your lesson for next time…

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