My Artwork for 10.2.5 patch

Reclamation of Gilneas city isn’t only a celebration, it’s a day full of pain for many worgens.
Sadly, Blizz didn’t show it in the new quests :c

And… many ppl in the world who left their home because of natural disaster or because of war (as we, Ukrainians and other ppl) knows this feeling of pain and sorrow.

TY everyone who helping someone who lost their home <3


I haven’t gotten to the questline yet, but I wanted to say I hadn’t really considered it yet from that angle. I can somewhat imagine there is a great deal of pain and sorrow in what you describe. Thank you for pointing it out, and may your home be truly home once again some time soon.


Thank you <3

and one more winter themed artwork with my Hunter


Interesting how you turned a quest in World of Warcraft to a war/political topic.

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Really good drawings, it matches the feeling of WoW. They should hire you!

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It’s same pain I think. People who lost their homes and what are they feeling

I can’t see the pictures and your account on that platform is not visible. Did something happen?

Edit: Nvm. Internet just being the Internet again and bugging out with Gateways.

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