My biggest issue with the Night Fae covenant

Is that the dragon Soulshape form cannot fly. :frowning:

It is a full-sized dragon and very clearly has wings on its back. I find it very jarring that they are unable to fly in the zones where flying is enabled.


i wonder when flying comes… but they are limited duration outside safe zones so…

Same as the moth, wyvern and gryphon :frowning:


how come night fae have the best mobility spell, best soulbind passives and even have a crazy amount of shapes…

seems like blizz is only putting efford on night fae lol

You are nitpicking tho :man_shrugging:

Soulshape is a Blink-style time-limited ability.
The fact that one of the customizations is a winged creature doesn’t in any way mean that it should fly.

Pfft, boomies first please.

It would be a victory for obese chickens everywhere!


Ahem have you ever heard about the spell Flap :smiley:

If you like all the night fae stuff, why not go night fae?

why go night fea when Venthyr buffs hits live next week ?

dunno, i look at the npcs/transmog and im like… nop

i dont join Night fea i dont want to watch Night Fea Butterfly ERP what Nixxion warned us about

Covenant power that gave you 12s of in-combat flight would be a bit crazy OP with regards to survivability. We’d have a million threads about being ‘forced’ into NF from people who play with WM on.

9.0.5 will force you to go Venthyr :stuck_out_tongue: becourse they buff Venthyr ablityes for all classes meny changes are not even in the patch notes …

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