My blue ink seems to be running out, goodbye everyone!

Bye bye mister longstanding, favorite blue. You will be missed. :sob:


(T)here is always room for one moreā€¦ I am just wonderingā€¦ Is the letter T cursed? First Takralus, now youā€¦

Wherever RL takes you next, good luck on your journeys! Thank you for the awesome years!

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Boa sorte Taepsilum!


Got fired by greedy blizz?

The best of luck in your next endeavours!

I canā€™t help but point at the irony of a Blue going to apparently play a version of the game The Powers That Be insisted for years was never going to happen, in fact the subject itself was practically ā€˜verbotenā€™ and people were made to pay for a ā€˜big beautifulā€™ Wall of No.

How the times have changed :slight_smile:

Best of luck.

Also, this thread had more blue interaction than all threads Iā€™ve posted in over the past two months. Like, be more active?

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