My BOE item returned from AH in 1-2 HR and became Soulbound by itself!

I had a weird but that i can’t even explain. I was in NM raid and get a BOE Necklace from 3rd boss trash(we were going it as second boss btw). While i was cheering, I open my AH mount and put the BOE Necklace to auction. I am certain that i was able to put BOE cos priced it 599.999 gold when there was 2 other necklace from 600K. Than i continue raiding and at the time we come to 4 or 5 boss i had a mail from auction house that i noticed. After 5th boss i leave the raid and open my mailbox and saw that necklace. That hole story happened almost 1-2 hours. When i saw the necklace i shocked and didnt understand why item turn me back before 24 hr which i was put auction timer for item. I thought its something buggy or glitch than get necklace from mail than open my AH mount than i open the AH after that i right click on necklace for to give it a price. But instead it goes in the SELL section my necklace changed. I wasnt used the necklace before and use by false anyhow because game asks you sure to use boe item etc. Than wear my own necklace back and saw that BOE item was Soulbound. It was soulbound when it return to me probably but I couldnt notice because was not expect such thing. Now my 600k BOE item is just a random souldbound item…

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This didn’t happen to me, but I know at least 3 people that had the same thing occur yesterday as well. Item listed on AH, gets returned in mail, and it’s now soulbound.

i made a post about this yesterday aswell, several others have this issue aswell, both on EU and US. wowhead has an article on it aswell. a blue post aswered on the US forums and said its cause a hotfix, and they are working on it, but have no idea of the items will be reverted to BOE or what is going on.
bought 2 items for 1mill, now they are just sitting in my bag as useless items…

Will it get fixed some how or my BoE gonna sit in my bag staying useless forever ?

I have same issue and there is no soluiton for it yet. Firebug’s Anklegear 655 ilvl leather feet is now soulbound on my level 10 character and useless. I hope they will fix it soon.

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Hello there!
We looted a BOE from the Undermine raid on Heroic. We placed this item into the guild bank as we sell them on the AH later.
But when we go to sell this item it is BOP ilvl 623 which is lower item lvl than LFR lol!

Will our item be refunded? Or at least changed back to heroic lvl so 1 of our raiders can equip it because now it has become useless and we cant even use it either.

Same here, 629 Midnight Lounge Cummerbund. I hope it will get fixed soon. I really would like to sell this item :frowning:

Hey all,

Our developers have fixed this issue last night, and the affected items should no longer by bound to you.

Thank you for your patience!

Mine is still soulbound, I had stored it in my warbank while it was still BoE, it became soulbound INSIDE my warbank.
I thought it was fixed, saw it was still soulbound but figured the fix would be applied when I would take it out, it didn’t.
Now I have a soulbound leather boe head item on my priest… So the issue hasn’t been fully fixed apparently.