My character has fallen off the map, every attempt to enter the game ends with me being automatically logged out, I am asking you to teleport my character to any capital on Azeroth.
I paid for a service that has not been working for three days, I have been trying to solve this problem and Blizzard is not responding to my reports, I as a European Consumer, I have my rights and I know it well, please respond quickly.
I have tried everything, there is nothing I can do when I enter the game, after 2-3 seconds I am automatically logged out, the support has to help me and so far they are deleting my posts and not responding
In that case I suggest following the option in the GM’s response that says word to the effect of “this hasn’t resolved my issue” or “I still have an issue” this should refer the ticket back to be looked at by a more senior GM who will hopefully give you a better response.
Sadly it’s sometimes necessary to be a bit persistent to get an issue looked at more fully.
Please also be sure to complete the survey section with an accurate reflection of your experience (For example if you are dissatisfied be sure to provide that feedback).
As for your previous post, it broke the Code of conduct, and I would encourage you to read them if you need more information: