My character keeps soft targeting any friendly character I approach. When I get close to any friendly player, a circle appears underneath them even if they are not the main target or if I have an enemy targeted, and when I use heals or anything else, it automatically casts on them. Because of this issue, I’ve basically wasted half of my playtime, which is why I canceled my subscription, considering that as a protection paladin, the game is unplayable being a class based on self-heal. Also Lay on Hand or any very high CD are wasted most of the times cause this issue.
I already fully deleted all wow files and performed a clean installation, i also resetted any setting and removed any addon but nothing worked.
My character keeps soft targeting any friendly character I approach. When I get close to any friendly player, a circle appears underneath them even if they are not the main target or if I have an enemy targeted, and when I use heals or anything else, it automatically casts on them. Because of this issue, I’ve basically wasted half of my playtime, which is why I canceled my subscription, considering that as a protection paladin, the game is unplayable being a class based on self-heal. Also Lay on Hand or any very high CD are wasted most of the times cause this issue.
I already fully deleted all wow files and performed a clean installation, i also resetted any setting and removed any addon but nothing worked.
I tried any solution offered in the ticket but it was marked as resolved without resolving anything, also it was suggested to open a bug report on US forum but i can’t open threads there since i haven’t a character in WOW US.
I can’t literally play, and this was from when i subbed again, for this annoying bug i’m basically wasting a full month of game time.
There’s no “soft target” system in the game, at least I never heard about it. You can cast your heals either to your target, to your focus or to mouseover. What you describe sounds like mouseover. You can turn off that in your settings.
It’s not mouseover, it happens regardless of the position of my cursor. Will try to upload a video later.
Go to the game menu > Options > Combat then check that ‘Enable Action Targeting’ is not ticked. If it is ticked, untick it.
Let me know if this works. If it doesn’t, there is a slightly more complicated possible solution that involves downloading an addon.
EDIT @Etly: as mentioned above, there is a new-ish soft targeting system in the game, called ‘Action Targeting’. It was introduced in Dragonflight, I believe.
EDIT 2: After reading your original post more carefully, just to be safe I would also go into the game menu and type self into the search bar. Make sure that ‘Self Cast’ is set to Auto and check that you don’t have ‘Toggle Auto Self Cast’ set to a binding that you might be accidentally pressing now and then.
Duplicate post due to threads merging.
It’s possible that you have enabled “interact”.
I have, and when ever I come closer to an NPC a green taregting-ring appears at their feet. When I then hit my interact button their chat option will open.
If the object is a quest object to pick up, that’ll happen.
So I have no problem thinking that if you have a target that can receive a heal, or another friendly action, and you do that action that’s exactly where it’ll land.
I haven’t any of the options mentioned above enabled.
I recorded a video and picture of my settings. but if i try to include them into the message i get this error: “An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post.”.
Links can’t be shared so i really don’t know how to show the issue.
It really does sound like the setting for interact, in Options/Controls/Enable interact key. I know you wrote that you don’t have it set. I have seen it mentioned, that some addons can make this setting on and off by itself. Just to try something, if you don’t have it set, try clicking it on. Save and see if it’s soft-targeting. Then go in and click it off again. Does it still target? If this works to turn off your soft target, it could be some add on that is bothering. Is all I can think of.
If you want to link something. Upload it somewhere suitable online then copy the url.
On the forums paste the link into your post. Then highlight the url and use the </>
button. Then you should be able to hit reply.
It should end up looking like this
People can then go see the image/vid
Just tried, even though I wasn’t hopeful since i already reset settings several time and clean installed the game 3 times. Didn’t work.
This is the video, finally managed to share it thanks to @punyelf
I have the exact same thing happening but in Classic Wow, it started with the new anniversary realms.
Just passing by an NPC highlights them without me even clicking on them. Can’t find anything in the options that would be causing it.
Interesting, so must be something they added recently. Hope someone can help us.
I opened several tickets without luck and reported it as a bug.
Try these two commands:
/run SetCVar("SoftTargetForce", 0);SetCVar("SoftTargetEnemy", 0);SetCVar("SoftTargetEnemyArc", 0);SetCVar("SoftTargetInteract", 0);SetCVar("SoftTargetEnemyRange", 0);SetCVar("SoftTargetFriendRange", 0)
/run SetCVar("SoftTargetFriendArc", 0);SetCVar("SoftTargetMatchLocked", 0)
It will completely disable soft targeting feature in the game.
Thanks man, this actually worked, is there a way to set it up in order to keep the soft-targetting on enemies and just remove it on friendly targets?
is there a way to set it up in order to keep the soft-targetting on enemies and just remove it on friendly targets?
I suppose the obvious answer would be just go into options and tick ‘Enable Action Targeting’? If Зизмо’s script has disabled everything, maybe ticking the bog-standard UI toggle will just turn on the normal functionality?
And even if it starts your problem off again you can just run Зизмо’s script again to switch it all off?
Lots of question marks because I’m just speculating here. Happy you got your issue solved though; Зизмо MVP!
I think you should try to set all “SoftTargetFriend*” cvars with value 0, and all “SoftTargetEnemy*” cvars with default values(SoftTargetEnemy=3, SoftTargetEnemyArc=1, SoftTargetEnemyRange=45).
Unfortunately, this UI option does not control all the cvars that can adjust soft targeting feature. It only changes few of them.
A full list of cvars can be found at
(search for ‘SoftTarget’).
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