My characters are gone on the Kazzak server. Server issue on kazzak?

My characters are gone on Kazzak server. Server issue on kazak?

Other servers are okey, I can see the characters. Just on Kazzak all are gone or not visible.

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i have the same problem.

Mine are too… Game stopped responding so I logged out and none of my characters are there


Friends want me to tank Infinite…

Same issue here, other servers fine but when I log back to kazzak it just shows the chars from the previous realm. Lovely.

yea my aliance server seems to work fine.

It’s just basic lag, like an xpac launch. Insane that it can’t handle a patch release. Been waiting around 30 min now to get back into the server. Can join any other server except Kazzak and login to whatever etc etc. Repaired files and other general repairs at first, but it’s just server lag.

its always kazzak that dies

I’ve got the same issue, characters won’t load in character selection…

Yeah, am having the same problem

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