I encountered a highly frustrating and unexpected situation today while playing on my level 37 self-found priest in the Scarlet Monastery Graveyard dungeon in Classic Hardcore. During our run, when we were at the bottom floor of the instance, my character suddenly fell through the floor. This caused an immediate disconnection, and upon reconnecting, I found my character in mid-air, falling rapidly. Unfortunately, this fall led to my character’s untimely death.
I am extremely disappointed, as this incident was entirely beyond my control and was caused by an in-game bug. Given that this occurred in Hardcore mode, where every death is permanent, I feel that having bugs like this in the game is totally not acceptable.
I have been trying to get in touch with customer support for hours, but it just seems hopeless. Is there any way to get in contact with someone working at Blizzard and express how I feel about it? My character was not in combat, I was not affected by any spells or effects; my character just fell from the floor of the dungeon all of a sudden and died from fall damage.
If my character is not restored, I regret to say that I will never play World of Warcraft again.
It’s disappointing and many of us experienced disconnects and other issues but we know what we are playing and read the text in the warning dialog when we entered Hardcore Server menu.
To clarify what happened, my character fell under the dungeon for no reason and died from fall damage. This was 100% caused by a bug.
What do we do if this happens again? This problem has been quite frustrating, and I’m looking for clarity on how it can be resolved.
Additionally, if we find ourselves stuck under the dungeon and log off, is it possible to contact a GM to teleport our character to safety before we inevitably die? I’d appreciate clear guidance on how to handle this situation.
This bug - falling through the bottom of the world - is as old as WoW itself. While it is unfortunate that it happened to you on a HC chrarcter, there’s nothing to do to have your character back. The best you can hope for is a repair of this specific bug, so that it won’t happen to others (or you) ever again.
This was possible in days of old, if it is still, I sincerely doubt - but worth a try.
Death on HC server is permanent and there are no appeals or restores
Blizzard resurrected dead characters on HC before multiple times, however, it was done only after massive server shiet ups with dozens of the dead.
Anyway, next time you dont do such stupid mistake, the game gave you a chance to launch an unstuck service and return to safety but you didnt.
They didnt restore any characters when the massive lagg ans then dc happend.
So 1000s of people died.
What happend was that there used to be a bug when you had the old som hc buff on you to get to graveyard with 1 hp even tho you were suppose to die.
i think, this was on a private server. I’ve had a disconnect on stitches about one year ago, hundreds of ppl died in that second. Luckeky, i was in a safe spot. Not a single character has been restored. And i never saw a caracter with the dead debuff neither on stitches nor on nekrosh.
Great low IQ cope. Meanwhile I met another 60lvl with debuff on Stitches just after I made that post
imgur com nzjlSNs
You can now invent new cope about photoshop, wrong debuff, illuminati, wrong server, or just add him to the friendlist on Stitches and see him when he logs in.
“You accepted that deaths are permanent when making a HC character”
Now that that is out of the way;
It would be simple to have GMs, but that won’t be an option, so instead;
A developer could add some code to HC modes, to dramatically reduce deaths due to bugs; for example:
‘Fall damage deaths’.
1.Was character in the lifts in Undercity? Character reappears at Undercity Inn.
Was it a VERY long fall? Did the player hit ‘ground’ below the world surface? If so, players reappears alive at hearthstone location.
Disconnects. ‘Did hundreds disconnect in unison? If so, those who died get ported to hearthstone.
They could even fix solo disconnects to some degree.
Solo disconnect, and player dies due to mob attack.
→ ‘could player have survived by just walking away till aggro drops? Port to hearthstone
→ could player have survived by playing ‘badly’ (50% expected damage output’?). Port to hearthstone. This would prevent deaths where someone gets repeatedly hit by a low level mob over 2 minutes.
Things like this could be done in a few lines of code.
Most ‘unfair’ HC deaths could be prevented with a few hours of coding. There woukd still be unfair deaths, just far fewer. And applying the fixes above would mean people couldn’t escape death by pulling out the ethernet cable etc!
The issue with entire raid disconnects is more complex. You could do ‘if entire raid group disconnects truly in unison (simultaneously), port to hearthstone. Such disconnects are server-side. That would prevent some unfair deaths at least.
I just befriended this level 60 Human Rogue on Stitches, so yes character do exist, but your Screenshot says “Tarnished soul Season of Mastery” … something’s not quite rigth here.
Because blizzard cannot afford two additional lines of code. This exact debuff was renamed two years ago on Classic Era with the release of SoD. My old Era characters leveled witohut deaths had it renamed retroactively.
So yes, it is called like this on HC too.
Just checked my characters on Classic Era, and the Soul of Iron buff has “Hardcore” on it, even though its not hardcore.
Well, all my Soul of Iron buffs on Era has dropped off the toons carrying them - even the non-dead one I just transferred in order to check out exactly this.