I wanted to play wow again so I bought playtime, installed the game and jumped in. I noticed though that my chat window (which should be in the bottom left) is not visible. Like completely gone! Not the community, guild or what ever, the entire window is disappeared. Searching online I have tried the following steps without success (I know the chat is functional because I can press Enter, write “/sit” and my character will sit down):
- Check if the Chat Window is Hidden or Minimized: Can’t see it anywhere on the sides of the screen.
- Reset the Chat Settings: Typing “/resetchat” doesn’t work (I get the confirmation window if I really want to reset but that doesn’t fix the issue)
- Disable Add-ons: Don’t have any installed. Typing /reload doesn’t fix the issue
- Reset UI to Default: I deleted the “WTF”, “Cache” and “Interface” folders and restarted the game but that didn’t help either
- I tried to use /console cvar_default (found on the battleNet support article/7549). I get a message that I don’t have the permission to use that function
- Reset Chat Position button under Options > Gameplay > Social doesn’t work
- The HUD Edit mode doesn’t have an option for the Chat. Reverting all changes doesn’t help
Any other ideas I could try?