My client is hidenly disconnecting

When playing wow my client gets hidenly disconnected, there is no error message or anything, I can still see chat messages ongoing, but i can not atack mobs any more, and the only solution is exit game & enter it again. It is happening frequently and destroys game & raid experience, specially for healer/tank where any disconnect is fail of the team


It looks ISP issue.

Monitor your pocket losses.

What do you mean? Internet is there and after closing and opening game everything works.
If it would be intertnet issue, restart of the game would not work, and if it is such short disconnection that restart game is healing it, it should be handled by the game, btw on this event it is not possible to interact with the interface and exiting game is only possible via alt + F4, logout/exit via interface is not possible. Additionly if it would be that bad conneciton issue chat window should stop working too which it desn’t, and if further game is not possible there should be error message displayed

Is anyone looking at the problem? I hoped for more atention since I paid for subscription that I was not able to use…

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